An attractive offer for 90 days … “The Dream Country” opens the door to temporary immigration only for talented people around the world


According to press reports, Finland received more than 5,300 applications in one month, almost a third of them from the United States and Canada.

“We are not aiming for resettlement, but we know that once people arrive, they tend to stay,” said Joanna Horry of the Helsinki Business Center. “There is fierce global competition for talent, so we had to think outside the box.”

Finland’s plan provides selected applicants with all necessary official documents, provides them with adequate housing, education or care for their children, as well as remote work facilities and assistance in obtaining permanent residence.

Finland has a long history in the global technology sector, as it is the home of the telecommunications technology company “Nokia”. It is also the country that introduced short message service on phones (SMS) to the world and produced the “Linux” operating system, and has branches of the most important technology companies. In the world, headed by “Google”.

Finland has been ranked the happiest country in the world for years, and it is also one of the lowest in the world in terms of the death rate from the emerging corona virus, which reached 85 people per million.
