American elections: the defeated king in exile


The Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, has come closer than ever to the presidency in the United States, with the results of 4 of 5 states that have not yet finished counting the votes, in exchange for the doubts of the Republican candidate and the current president Donald Trump.

And on Friday night, Democrats gathered in Pennsylvania and other states to declare victory. And the Democratic Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, considered that it is “clear” that Joe Biden is on the way “to win the White House.” He added that “President-elect” Biden has a “strong mandate to govern.”

And if the former vice president of the United States wins in Pennsylvania, he will be the 46th president of the United States, regardless of the result in the rest of the states. Biden now leads 28,833 votes in Pennsylvania by a margin of 0.5 points, a margin that allows the recount that Trump demands. Biden is also ahead in Georgia by 0.1 points, Arizona by one point and Nevada by 1.8 points.

Biden commented on these counting results early Saturday morning, saying, “24 hours ago we were late to Pennsylvania and we were going to win in Pennsylvania and now we are ahead, we are winning in Arizona, we are winning in Nevada and the fact is that our Progress in Nevada doubled, we’re on our way to 300 votes in the group. ” Election elections, and look at the national figures. We will win this contest by a clear majority. “

On Friday night, Trump had warned Biden not to announce his election victory, saying he could also declare his victory in the election. He said the legal path had begun.

Trump’s campaign team confirmed that the presidential election “is not over yet,” noting that “false estimates announcing Joe Biden’s victory are based on results that are far from final in four states.”

The 45th president of the United States appeared isolated within his republican party, before his accusations that he would be the victim of “stealing” the elections. “We haven’t heard of any evidence being spoken of,” former New Jersey governor and president ally Chris Christie said on ABC, warning of the risk of inflaming tensions without tangible elements.

On Friday, CNN cited sources close to the White House that some high-level employees within the White House and in Donald Trump’s election campaign began to quietly distance themselves from the outgoing president, as a precaution after the results in the states. Pennsylvania and Georgia showed that he would not win a presidential term. New.

A senior adviser to the Trump administration said the presidential race “is over,” citing concerns about what Trump could do regardless of whether or not he would accept the election results. He said: “God only knows. I acknowledge that a large number of officials in Trump’s election campaign and the White House were at a loss when the President repeated a series of false statements Thursday night during his press conference at the House. White “.

CNN quotes the same source as saying that some in the election campaign have criticized the Trump team’s decision to send people like former New York City Governor Rudy Giuliani and the sons of the United States president, and allow them make unsubstantiated accusations about tampering with voters’ votes, arguing that doing so hurts Trump’s accusations of suspicious acts.

The US newspaper “New York Times” considered that Trump’s time in the White House was a “nightmare” that is now ending. He said the current president’s term was a period in which truth died, when morals were “trampled on,” science was insulted, divisions exacerbated, and the American model desecrated, while Trump made his way into the minds of millions of Americans through selfish attitudes, lies and manipulation.

He said that in 2020 there is a “charlatan” and a “boy” sitting in the White House who cannot accept having his “game” taken away from him and cannot abide by the rules of the game and respect the sanctity of the law and the electoral process. . She believed that Trump’s recent incitement of his “vast tribe” made up of tens of millions of Americans would inevitably cast a shadow over a possible presidential term for Biden, and that the battles that must be fought in this regard will not quickly recede, but restore the “Integrity of mind” in the highest office in the country is a prerequisite. The rebuilding process must begin now.

For its part, National Interest magazine said that Trump may have already realized that he lost the election even if he did not want to admit it publicly, and now he must be thinking about two things: how to make the life of his successor Joe Biden decrease. , and how he manages his career after the presidency.

He noted that Trump’s remarks on electoral fraud and vote theft were met with widespread liberal anxiety and terror.

As for shaming Biden’s life, it seems pretty clear, as the magazine says, that Trump will announce that he will run again in 2024, whether he intends to do so or not, and that he will seek to work as king-in-exile at the seaside resort of Mara. Lake.

He saw Biden as a president who would inherit the problems left by Trump, from a pandemic, a large budget deficit and a faltering economy. Senate Republicans led by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will not be in the mood to compromise. There will not be a Supreme Court dominated by conservatives.

For the time being, Trump will almost certainly focus on putting as many of his appointees into civil service as possible and refusing to cooperate as much as possible with Biden’s transition team, he added. He can extend the period to determine the outcome of the elections with a torrent of lawsuits, but once his defeat is accepted, he will move towards his real goal, which is to plot revenge against Biden.
