America once again denounces the weapon of the “Caesar Law”. Punishing the central bank governor and intelligence chief in Syria


Today, the administration of US President Donald Trump imposed sanctions on 17 Syrian individuals and entities, under the “Caesar Law” to hold Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his supporters accountable, including the Governor of the Central Bank. and the Chief of General Intelligence.

With its new sanctions, the US Treasury Department targeted 13 entities and 6 individuals, including the governor of the Central Bank of Syria, Hazem Karfoul, on charges of financing the Bashar al-Assad regime.

The US State Department sanctions affected 3 figures of the Syrian regime, including the commander of the Fifth Corps in the regime’s army, Major General Milad Jadid, accusing him of being involved in preventing the ceasefire in the country. .

Sanctions from the US administration freeze any assets in the United States for those on the blacklist and generally prohibit Americans from doing business with them.

The U.S. State Department said that sanctions against senior military officials and commanders in Syria will not stop until the Bashar al-Assad regime takes firm action to end the violence and implement Security Council Resolution 2254 in Syria. the ONU.

Resolution 2254, issued on December 18, 2015, calls on all parties to the Syrian war to stop launching attacks against civilians immediately.

System financing
US Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin said his country “will continue to use all its tools and powers to target the money of anyone who benefits from the Assad regime or facilitates its violations against the Syrian people.”

The Syrian war that broke out in 2011 after the authorities cracked down on peaceful demonstrations demanding the regime’s departure has caused millions of Syrians to flee their country and displace millions more within the country.

Washington’s sanctions today targeted the head of the Syrian General Intelligence Directorate, Husam Muhammad Luqa, the Syrian Ministry of Tourism and Syrian businessman Khader Taher bin Ali, who according to the Treasury Department is linked to the Assad government, and his group of companies.

And the Treasury Department authorized the continuation of necessary transactions and activities with the Ematel company, which was founded by Khader Taher Ben Ali, until December 30, before the completion of these activities. The United States accuses Khader Taher of being a major supplier to the Syrian Army’s Fourth Division, establishing a private security company that has become the “unofficial executive arm” of the division.

Law of ceasing
The US Caesar Law entered into force last June and gives the US President the right to impose sanctions on individuals and entities if they provide financial or technical support to the Syrian regime, or have contracted with any official institution affiliated with it or entities controlled by the government.

The law derives its name from the pseudonym of a deserter from the Syrian regime forces, who carried out one of the largest individual acts of documentation of the crimes of the Syrian regime after leaking images of the bodies of torture victims in prisons and hunger crimes between 2011 and 2013.

It should be noted that the Syrian regime is subject to a package of US and European sanctions that have imposed a freeze on the assets of the regime and hundreds of companies and individuals associated with it. Washington already bans exports to Syria and investments by Americans there, as well as transactions related to oil and other oil and gas products.
