America: Approval of Emergency Use of Anti-Corona Drug Received by Trump


The United States Food and Drug Administration grants emergency approval to use a treatment for the Corona virus developed by the company “Regeneron”, after it was found to reduce the cases of Covid-19 that require hospitalization.

  • Member of the Red Cross at a mobile site for coronavirus testing in France (AFP).
    A member of the Red Cross at a mobile coronavirus testing site (AFP).

On Saturday, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted emergency approval to use a treatment for Covid-19 developed by the biotech company “Regeneron,” which was used specifically to treat US President Donald Trump. .

“Allowing these monoclonal antibody therapies can allow patients to avoid hospitalization and reduce the burden on our healthcare system,” said Stephen Hahn, an FDA official.

The green light was given to treat Regeneron, called Regen-Cove-2, which is a combination of two antibodies, after it was proven to reduce cases of Covid-19 that require hospitalization or emergency rooms.

“This constitutes an important step in the fight against Covid-19, as high-risk patients in the United States will be able to obtain promising treatment early in the course of the infection,” said Leonard Schleifer, CEO of Regeneron.

In a parallel context, millions of people are expected to travel to the United States for the Thanksgiving holiday, ignoring warnings from health experts about the spread of the Corona virus, at a time when the country is on the verge of exceed the number of infections 12 million infections on Saturday.

This huge number of cases represents an indication of the exacerbation of the Covid-19 pandemic that has killed more than a quarter of a million people in the United States, making it the first in countries in the number of cases, which also led more than 20 states to impose comprehensive new restrictions. Month in an attempt to limit the spread of the virus.

Statistics from Reuters show that the injury rate in the United States has accelerated, with nearly a million cases recorded in the six days since the country announced 11 million injuries. The increase from ten million injuries to 11 million injuries took eight days, while the increase from nine million injuries to ten million injuries took ten days.

Health officials warned that the wave of infections could exceed the capacity of the health care system if people do not adhere to particular public health guidelines related to refraining from travel and refraining from reuniting families to hold the traditional celebration of Thanksgiving Thursday.

Coronavirus infections in the United States are reported to have exceeded 12 million cases, while the death toll exceeded 255,000 cases. And the US health authorities indicate that the epidemic is experiencing a phase of constant escalation in the country.
