Amal asks to form a government without dwelling on narrow calculations


The political bureau of the Amal Movement pointed out, in a statement after its ordinary meeting, that “despite the end of 2020, a series of issues must be addressed that were filled with them,

The first of these is the serious challenge emerging today, represented by what the entire country faces in its battle against the Crown pandemic, which has become a strategic threat that seriously threatens the Lebanese people, since the review of the number of wounded in Lebanon in relation to the number of the population compared to the situation in countries much larger than Lebanon clearly shows that the Lebanese people are in a battle that they began to lose due to the inability of the authorities concerned to impose its decisions, and even the reluctance to take strict and dissuasive measures, and the lack of understanding of the danger, complacency and recklessness on the part of large numbers of Lebanese are among the most important causes of what confuses us in this extremely dangerous subject.

The Amal Movement called for “taking the necessary and dissuasive swift measures for offenders and the undisciplined, and that officials work to accelerate the completion of contracts to import the safest, most efficient and safe medical vaccines to end this deterioration that already it is not absorbed by the health sector in Lebanon. “

The statement noted that “last year was the year of the reign of a culture of ease to break constitutional institutions and paralyze the country, and resort to the creation of sterile norms and action mechanisms whose failure has been proven in the management of the affairs of the people and the country “. All are factors that hit the pillars of the country, a person and institutions, enough to be a last warning bell before the temple falls on everyone’s heads, and then there is no use crying for a nation that was pushed by it. as a result of miscalculations, selfishness, greed and a loss of confidence among its officials towards the abyss into which it is teetering today.

The Politburo asked those concerned about the government record to “listen to the voice of the homeland, the citizen, and friendly countries interested in Lebanon, to present their right to form a government without dwelling on narrow calculations and special interests. partisan and sectarian, without whom we will only witness further regression at all levels. “

The statement added: “In these difficult circumstances, the greatest hope remains the continued confidence of the Lebanese in their single and unified country that adheres to calls for fragmentation and fragmentation, and anti-poverty projects. , under the pressure of living crises and the blocking of the political horizon, and that all the demands of citizens are a clear right, from the student dollar to Rationalizing support for basic products and basic necessities, through the liberation of their bank deposits, to ensure the requirements for their firmness in the face of crises. Therefore, what has been achieved in the House of Representatives in the adoption of laws related to demanding domiciles should be completed with the formalization of the contract of constitutional institutions , the first of which is the completion of the government file.

The statement concluded by noting that “Lebanon was and continues to be in the eye of the storm that is hitting the region as a result of the policies of threatening fleets that target our nation, which requires being alert and vigilant in these deadly times in which the Zionist enemy is working to light the fuse of the war in the region, linked to the results of the US presidential elections and the mechanisms of transmission. “The authority is in the White House, with the possibility of entering the sabotage line internalization in the countries of the region, stirring up crises and internal struggles, and hardening the policies of siege of our countries and peoples. “
