Álvarez retires: forensic audit has flown, the dollar will skyrocket


The system has placed several obstacles to criminal scrutiny, beginning with an attempt to ignore the whole idea and replace it with political promises related to discovering the destination of public funds and Lebanese deposits, by conducting investigations that affect the funds transferred to the Exterior.
The promises did not serve to convince the international community, which awaits serious investigations and results, given the Lebanese crisis linked to the funds of depositors and large investors, especially Eurobond bondholders. The forensic audit was one of the most important demands of the International Monetary Fund. Here, all that is left for the system is to accept and hire a criminal audit firm.
The second concern facing the system was how to “blow up” the audit, after it has become a fait accompli that cannot be rejected out loud. The option to contract with the forensic auditing company “Kroll” collided with its relationship with Israel, so the option was transferred to Alvarez & Marsal, which has no relationship with forensic auditing, as it is a company that works in the field. performance development, business transformation management and the provision of financial advisory services. Ironically, Álvarez also has ties to Israel. All international companies have relationships with Israel in terms of working there, employing Israelis, or providing experience to Israel as a United Nations recognized country and a global investment market.

Once again, efforts to evade hiring were unsuccessful, so the last option was to protect themselves from the “tightening” of Lebanese laws that are spelled out in terms of measuring the system. Bank secrecy was the best weapon for not providing the company with the necessary documents to fulfill its mission. The procrastination process started from the Bank of Lebanon, when the governor, by order of him, Riad Salameh, refused to cooperate with the company, and at the same time, the system refused to overcome the obstacles of the law, resolving the dialectic of interpreting the meanings and limits of bank secrecy, or even temporarily suspending the application of the law, revealing all the required documents, or creating adequate Exit for a successful operation.

Waste money?
The company realized that its business was not going to be born. You are fully aware of the process before it starts, as you have agreed to carry out an operation that is not your responsibility. On the other hand, he realizes that whoever is affected by the audit will not accept its performance, so the penalty clause stipulated in the contract was the intention of the company, and there is no objection to it from the system, always the audit page is closed.

Until now, sources who followed the file indicated in an interview with Al-Modon that Álvarez did not receive money from the Lebanese state in exchange for his initial job. It also did not require the penalty clause stipulated in the contract, which is $ 150,000. But he withdrew without return. But there is nothing definitive in this cycle in which we live, and nothing prevents the company from claiming all of Lebanon’s quotas under the contract. All questions regarding the nature of the mission entrusted to the company and the implications of the state for it are subject to the disclosure of the details of the contract. It is not as easy as might be expected. But the finance minister should reveal all the details soon, since he was the godfather of the contract and died at his hands.

The dollar will skyrocket
The black market for the dollar will not wait for the facts to come out. The hope of the criminal scrutiny was to uncover the fate of the money, reassure the Lebanese and the international community, and take the first step towards ongoing reform, and thereby reduce the dollar exchange rate. This did not happen. This means that the dollar will rise without slowing down. The fading of forensic scrutiny clearly indicates the system’s unwillingness to emerge from the crisis. Rather, it is an explicit statement of a desire to complicate it. If there had been the intention of reform, criminal scrutiny would not have been the only way out. Reforms have for years been the motto of all successive governments and the goal of the Paris conferences since 2002, until the Cedre conference in 2018, the motto of the phase that accompanied the uprising of October 17, 2019 and the attempts later to close political deals and settle accounts.
