Ali Al-Moouch is gone … no pension!


Corona did not allow the retired professor of the Faculty of Technology of the Lebanese University, Ali Al-Mooush, to reassure himself with a pension that wipes the dust of the exhaustion of the 13 years he spent at the university. In haste, the 65-year-old man passed away, leaving a wife and four children, a school-age girl and three young men who are still continuing their university studies. The sudden death left a lump in the family, since, according to his sister Salam, he did not suffer from any chronic disease. However, his last hours caused suffering in terms of obtaining needles for the treatment that his family tried to obtain from the Ministry of Health, which are not available in pharmacies, until they obtained them at a high price on the black market, too late. .

Al-Mooush remained obsessed with his rights even on the eve of his infection with the virus. Approximately two weeks before his death, he went to the Association of Full-Time Teachers to ask about the fate of the delay in approving the admission file with the owners, which prevented him from collecting the pension, such as the 60 full-time teachers who retired in 2019.
The association described the one who was distraught and deprived of his retirement pension and health insurance. The head of the association’s executive body, Youssef Daher, said that “this new grievance is in the face of the state that closed its doors in the face of Al Moash and his colleagues.”
The full-time professors in question hit a break, for some reason, a custom that had prevailed for decades in the university, which is that a full-time professor automatically enters the university staff if he retires, thus means your right to a retirement pension or compensation (as your choice), and continued use of the mutual benefit fund related to benefits. Health and social.
However, the Council of Ministers withheld the retirements and compensation for termination of service, while the Board of Directors of the Mutual Society did not eliminate, in an internal procedure, the names of the professors from the payroll, since those who benefit from the contributions in the background are only the owner teachers, but the names can be removed at any time. .
And the university administration had, according to a previous statement from the rector of the university, Fuad Ayoub, all the necessary measures based on the proposal of the faculties and interested parties, and “the file takes its normal and routine course in the Council of Ministers , and the procedures are carried out periodically, and I do not think there is any problem in the matter, and it can be reviewed. The matter is administrative and not informative.

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