Albayrak’s resignation reveals a series of “scandals” in Turkey


The resignation of Berat Albayrak, son-in-law of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has become the talk of the Turkish street, for the third day in a row, despite the appointment of a new Minister of Finance, “Lotfi Alwan”, considered one of the most prominent political presences affiliated with the Justice and Development Party. the governor.

The resignation of “Albayrak” had been, two days ago, a surprising event for the Turks, and it occurred at a time when the Turkish lira is witnessing a deterioration of its value in the foreign exchange market, and furthermore, more striking was the way he was treated by the official media, affiliated with the Turkish government. Where he avoided publishing any news related to the causes or even announcing the news only briefly.

The official Turkish media did not deal with the news of the resignation. He continued with him that the Turkish government did not issue any official charges, until the Turkish presidency issued a statement 27 hours after the resignation, announcing the acceptance of Albayrak’s “exemption”.

According to what “Al-Hurra” monitored on social networks, Albayrak completely deleted his personal account on “Instagram” (it was his platform to announce his resignation), in the last hours of yesterday night, and preceded the day his official Twitter account was completely suspended. Therefore, he has also moved away from the media and the center of popular attention.

Berat Albayrak, son-in-law of the Turkish president, with his wife, resigned from the position of Minister of Finance

Berat Albayrak, son-in-law of the Turkish president, with his wife, resigned from the position of Minister of Finance

And the day before yesterday, a spokesman for the Ministry of Finance and Finance had described Albayrak’s resignation in an interview with Bloomberg as an “unusual method,” and it sparked riots even among some of his aides, who said his phone was turned off, in conjunction with the publication of a text. Disclaimer “Instagram”.

“Exemption”, not waiver

In the way in which the Turkish official addressed the resignation of “Albayrak”, indications suggest that it was “studied” step by step, the first of which is the number of dealing with the news or commenting on it, giving rise to the presidential statement that reduced Albayrak’s decision, considering that what he did was “exempted” is not a “resignation”.

In the presidential communiqué, the wording of “accept a request for exemption” and not “resign” was used, which is an indication that political analysts attribute to the fact that “the president is the one who has the power to elect and remove ministers, and he is the first and the last to make decisions on that ”. Therefore, the minister does not “resign” but rather “requests his exemption.” “It is your mission.

According to what political analyst Saeed Al-Hajj said on Facebook, the wording of the presidential statement is “one of the signs that Erdogan is unhappy with the method of resignation, as was the previous resignation of Interior Minister Suleiman Soylu. “.

The observers had spoken, in the last hours, of the existence of an “internal economic dispute”, which followed the procedures that Erdogan took to remove the former governor of the central bank, Murat Uysal, and appoint “Naji Aghbal” as his successor. .

A Turkish source familiar with decision-making circles in Turkey told Al-Hurra that Al-Bayrak’s resignation may be part of the solution the Turkish government is working on, to improve the value of the lira against the dollar, adding that the resignation “may be without Erdogan’s knowledge.”

And the same source continues: “The summary of the solution is the departure of some influential people from the economic decision in general, including Albayrak.”

Scandal series

The foregoing commented on Turkish writer and journalist Murat Yetkin, saying that the resignation of “Albayrak” revealed a series of scandals, the first of which was the way the official media, affiliated with the Turkish government, addressed the passage of the resigns, in “a day that was embarrassing for the media.”

He added in an article that the staff of the newspapers “Hurriyet” and “Milliyet” waited until midnight for his resignation, on whether the news they had written would be published or not, stating: “There was no news or instructions, neither from Fakhreddin Altun, the presidential spokesman, nor Sarhat Albayrak, he’s the CEO of Turquoise Media Group.

The other scandal that the Turkish writer and journalist spoke of, and said that the resignation had been exposed, is the mismanagement of the crisis by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

According to Murat Yektin, Erdogan “did not find a word to say to the people, until after 27 hours.

On the other hand, the writer and journalist pointed out that what Omar Celik, the spokesman for the “Justice and Development Party” said, was the best evidence that the country is governed by “one man”, especially since “Celik” had said that the resignation of “Albayrak” does not concern them, and that the President of the Republic (Erdogan) will make a decision alone, under the presidential system of government.

The ruling family in Turkey today finds itself facing a “great political gap” in its wall, not a small hole. Murat Yektin points out: “Is the Albayrak exit an end or a beginning? (…) If Erdogan takes the Albayrak exit to prevent others from leaving The Justice and Development Party, or if there is no way, does that mean who has started sacrificing a name to protect his seat?

No handover ceremony

The handover ceremony of the new minister, “Lotfi Alwan”, is scheduled for this afternoon, Turkish newspapers reported, when he was sworn in at the General Assembly of Parliament.

In his first statement, “Lotfi Alwan” told reporters at the Grand National Assembly of Turkey: “It was a surprise for me too (…) I met Berat Albayrak and there will be no handover ceremony due to her health problem” .

Al-Bayrak wrote in a statement on his official account on “Instagram”: After taking ministerial portfolios for almost five years, I decided to stop exercising my functions (as Minister of Finance) for health reasons.

Turkey’s new Finance Minister held various positions in recent years, the last of which was that of Chairman of the Planning and Budget Committee in the Turkish Parliament, and before that of Deputy Prime Minister between 2016 and 2018, and before that. , Alwan had held the Turkish Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications between 2013 and 2015..

The new minister graduated from Istanbul Technical University at Mining College, then completed a master’s degree in mining at the University of Leeds in the UK in 1989, after which he completed a second master’s degree in economics in 1995 at the University of Delaware in the U.S.

Alwan began work at the State Planning Commission (DPT) in 1989 and served as an assistant expert until 1996, and in 1996 he was appointed head of the priority areas division in the General Directorate for Regional Development and Structural Adjustment, continuing in this position until 2002.
