Ala in Abu Dhabi via Riyadh: a historical journey for a non-historical “peace”.


Yesterday, the head of the Israeli “National Security Council”, Meir Bin Shabat, appeared to be one of the students eager to sit on the far end of the bus during school trips. Holding a loudspeaker, the head of the Israeli mission to Abu Dhabi listed, from the courtyard of Ben Gurion airport, the areas around which the Israeli-American delegation would sign agreements with Emirati officials. And behind Bin Shabat, the phrase “peace” appeared in the three languages: Hebrew, Arabic and English, printed on the tip of the plane “El-Al”, in a more vulgar way than the one that printed the step of taking out the light the secret to the coalition.

The enthusiasm of Bin Shabat and those accompanying him for the trip, which was described as “historic” as the first of its kind for an Israeli aircraft, was met by calls from Israeli analysts to reduce the exaggeration of the impact of the agreement. of alliance between Tel Aviv and Abu Dhabi, which began to be, in practice, in the process of implementation. As signed yesterday, and will be signed today, standardization agreements in more than one field, among which are health, commerce, tourism, technology and industry. Consequently, in the field of tourism alone, it is expected that during the next season, more than 300 thousand Israelis will arrive in the Emirates, and another 500 thousand in the next season, especially since Israel has classified the United Arab Emirates among the ” green areas “to which travel is allowed in light of the pandemic. Crown ».
Upon the arrival of the “El-Al” plane in Abu Dhabi, the head of the joint mission of the United States and Israel, adviser to the president and son-in-law of the United States, Jared Kushner, reiterated his statement that “peace is an urgent matter for the peoples of the region … the Emirati-Israeli agreement is capable of changing the course of the Middle East. ” He hopes this trip will be “the first of other trips between the Emirates and Israel.” Kushner renewed his call on the Palestinians not to “rest in the past and return to the negotiating table”, as a step to “improve their future”, considering that the Israeli trip to Abu Dhabi, which was condemned by various Palestinian factions, He sends them a “message of hope.”
The mission did not include delegates from the Ministry of Security and “Mossad”. It was decided to separate the political and commercial talks from the security talks, while the security delegation’s trip was postponed the day before yesterday until the next two weeks, “to prevent the media from focusing on the F-35 deal that Abu Dhabi demands to buy from the United States, “although it has become clear that Israel is exploiting the controversy surrounding the deal, which appears to be going down the end, to obtain more superior means of combat from the American ally, while the UAE seeks to export the impression of that the price of the standardization agreement has been earned, and that the standardization agreement is not a free service. According to the Ynet website affiliated with the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, the decision to expel representatives of the Ministry of Security, the “Shin Bet” and the “Mossad” from the mission came after a joint request from the United States and Emirates, first, so that the security delegation was headed by the Director General of the Ministry of Security. Emir Eshel, discussed security issues separately, especially since they will include secret and sensitive aspects.

The Israelis didn’t care about the deal because the UAE wasn’t at war with them in the first place.

At this time, Israeli analysts have underestimated the importance of the Abu Dhabi-Tel Aviv deal and its effects. The political correspondent of the Haaretz newspaper, Noa Landau, noted that “the Israelis did not care or did not care about the agreement”, and the reason is that the UAE was not originally at war with Israel, but there were secret visits and sports delegations and others. And Landau considered that Netanyahu “is using the agreement to correct his left opponents in order to say that peace is possible without making concessions to the Palestinians.” For his part, the political analyst of the newspaper “Yedioth Ahronoth”, Nahum Barnea, described the prevailing belief that millions of dollars would be injected into Israel directly from Dubai as “unrealistic”, attributing that to “foreign investment in Israel as a sensitive issue, especially in the field of infrastructure. ” Proof of the above is the form of cooperation between Turkey and Israel in this field, as well as Chinese investments in Israel, which faced a lot of pressure from the United States.
As a result, the agreement between the UAE and Israel is nothing more than a natural continuation of the path taken by the former long ago, at a time that seemed to be a lifeline for the enemy’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who faces accusations. of corruption and demonstrations calling for his resignation, as well as a deep political crisis with his partners in power. Perhaps this is what was made clear in the demonstration video that Netanyahu posted yesterday on his personal Twitter page, where he appeared on the phone with the delegation leaving for Abu Dhabi, moving his index finger over the map to indicate that the Israeli plane that “He was going to make peace” in Abu Dhabi he crossed Over Saudi Arabia, and asking the delegation to deliver his peace: “From me and the people of Israel, salute the Emiratis.” The irony is that this video provoked angry and sarcastic comments from the Israelis themselves, as some indicated that 30 years ago there have been relations with the United Arab Emirates, “So where were Netanyahu’s words spent?” that others made fun of his saying: “It affects me because for decades I have worked for that (the agreement). One of them wrote, commenting: ‘Give me another ten years and I will work to get you Portuguese passports.’ Also, a third group called him a “liar”, accusing him of “making a fabricated call”.

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