Al-Quds News Agency – The fight for ministerial posts is delaying the right of the entity’s government


Benjamin Netanyahu was forced to postpone the swearing in of the controversial new unity government in “Israel” hours before the ceremony was expected to begin, amid a dispute over cabinet charges within the Likud party..

After weeks of tense negotiations, the embattled Prime Minister reached a power-sharing agreement with his ally-turned rival, Benny Gantz, and secured the support of his electoral partners, granting him the majority of the 61 seats needed to form a government coalition..

The next government, which is made up of 32 ministers and is the largest government in “Israel”, was supposed to be installed on Thursday night, ending the nearly 18-month impasse that led to real stagnation..

But with only a few hours remaining, Netanyahu asked to postpone the session until next Sunday, when Likud members contest a decision on who will be appointed to the government..

The Israeli media reported that many Likud lawmakers were angry that they decided to boycott the inauguration..

A joint statement issued by Likud and the Blue and White parties led by Gantz said: “Prime Minister Netanyahu asked Gantz to postpone the swearing-in ceremony until Sunday so that he can complete ministerial appointments within Likud.

He added: “Gantz accepted Netanyahu’s request.

According to the “Israeli” media, the party (blue-white) initially opposed the postponement, as Gantz insisted on swearing at all costs..

Netanyahu described the next government as an emergency agency that would break the political deadlock and rally rival factions to fight the deadly coronavirus, after three inconclusive elections that left the country without a leader again..

But it sparked controversy, as Gantz, the former army chief, initially promised not to join Netanyahu, after being accused of multiple corruption charges, which he denied..

Critics have said the government’s sole purpose is to keep Netanyahu in office: Under the deal, he remains president.

To ministers for another 18 months before Gantz, the new defense minister, takes over the roles of the remaining 18 months .

Meanwhile, bitter battles erupted within the coalition due to ministerial appointments.

The Likud Party is slated to take over the ministries of finance, education and health, in key positions during the coronavirus outbreak, while the country’s portfolios of justice and foreign affairs have been awarded to (blue-white).

But the “Israeli” media reported that many of Likud’s top deputies were dissatisfied with the decisions made, and some even rebelled, saying they would boycott the oath ceremony..

Channel 12 political commentator Amit Segal described the delay as “less dramatic and more farce.”

Israel has been leading a provisional government since early 2019, as no political leader has been able to accumulate enough seats in three separate elections..

Netanyahu’s popularity also decreased when he campaigned against three corruption charges..

Gantz, who also failed to gain enough support on his own, had initially vowed not to sit down with a trial prime minister, but made a drastic change earlier this year with the specter of an impending fourth election..

Therefore, it is unclear in which direction the new and impractical government will take over political opponents..

Under the controversial power-sharing agreement, for an initial six-month period, only the emergency government can submit legislation to parliament related to the confrontation of a virus. COVID-19While a negotiating committee “sets the political plan

Israel carried out one of the strictest closures, with 16,500 people contracting the deadly disease and another 262 dead..

But analysts say he is far from concerned about COVID-19, Which Israel seems to control, the council’s only focus is to ensure that Netanyahu remains in power.

Amos Harel, a defense expert for the Israeli daily Ha’aretz, said Netanyahu is “the only political figure that matters,” warning that despite the deal, Gantz could never take over as prime minister..

He added: “It seems that the coronavirus is not a big problem as it was a month ago. He told The Independent that the economic and financial complications of the closure are more difficult than the fight for health.”

Harel said: “In the end, this is a national unity government to save Netanyahu. Everything must be seen through the lens of what is best for his survival. There is nothing balanced in the relationship between Netanyahu and Gantz.”

Gantz, the country’s former army chief, and Netanyahu have been bitter rivals for the past 18 months and disagree on many of the major problems that may arise in the coming months..

The current Prime Minister promised to move immediately to annex the strategic Jordan Valley in the occupied West Bank, after receiving what appeared to be the green light from the Trump administration..

Gantz insisted that the annexation would not be unilateral, but would be carried out “in coordination with the international community.”

The inauguration catastrophe came one day after an exceptional day trip by the US Secretary of State. USA Mike Pompeo, who traveled to Israel despite coronary virus restrictions to discuss the epidemic and Donald Trump’s peace plan and the annexation of settlements, and Iran.

After meetings with Netanyahu and Gantz, Foreign Ministry officials made a point [الأمريكية] To minimize the validity of reports that the purpose of the visit is to promote Israel’s immediate takeover of the occupied territories, saying briefly that they want to “dispel the idea that we are on the other side of the world to talk about annexation

In his election campaign, Netanyahu promised to take immediate possession of the Jordan Valley, and has received strong criticism from Jordan and the Gulf states, as well as from the United Kingdom and the European Union, which are considering sanctions..


The original title: Israel: Netanyahu delays inauguration of new unity government amid internal strife over cabinet charges

Writer: Bel Trew

Source: The Independent

Date: May 14, 2020
