Al-Quds News Agency – Lebanese Newspaper Headlines Published Today, Tuesday, September 29, 2020


House: Political stalemate precedes Sayyed Nasrallah’s “decisive” response to the French president’s “attack”

Wrong French calculations aborting “initiative”: Trump refused to respond to Macron!
Washington is about to step up and “cheat” the normalization of Lebanon … a health collapse is “at the door”

News: Armenia-Azerbaijan: a battle with many wars
Hezbollah to Macron: Keep your limits!
The State Supervisory Institution violates the “immunity of ministers” that ruled on Safadi for wasting public money

Call home: Nasrallah responds today: What is required is “an initiative, not a French tutelage.”
Macron is mediating with the Russians … and Tehran is promoting “the principal, not the proxy”

Major General: Franco-Shiite confrontation complicates initiative and government formation
An Iranian mutiny on the Elysee line … The explosion of the port and the Crown threaten an educational disaster

Day time: Big ramifications of the impasse and the open caregiver

Building: Nasrallah today refutes Macron’s accusations and the reasons for the failure … and describes the position on the French initiative
Mikati starts a campaign to commercialize him to head a techno-political government … as an alternative to Hariri and with his consent! / Most are open to Paris without illusions of solutions … and the Diab government is going to do a long business
