However, a group of independent teachers claimed, in a statement, distance learning in all theoretical lessons, based on “last year’s successful experience with students, teachers or departments.” According to the statement, “applied lessons can be taught remotely, such as computer applications, provided that urban education is adopted in the remaining lessons, while the precautionary measures in force are taken.” “Talking about the difficulties associated with the distance education process is amplified, since it is enough for the student to have a cellular device on which the TEAMS program is downloaded and the problem is solved. High school teachers have informed us that the participation rate in distance education is not lower than the attendance rate in the case of urban education, but exceeds it. The students didn’t seem restless. “
Teachers noted that distance learning “solved the problem of absenteeism in class. As a result of recording lessons, the absentee can later attend the recorded lesson on the Internet. In the case of attendance education, the absent student misses the lesson forever. They asked: “Why is vocational education not treated like Lebanese universities while the Ministry of Education insists on conducting official exams for students of technical degree and technical excellence, since these certificates are considered final certificates in this education just like college degrees? “
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