Al-Nahar: A hidden disagreement could escalate between two allied parties …


Day time
There is a hidden disagreement taking place that could escalate between two allied parties, as one of them adheres to the current electoral law, and this was recently expressed by one of the most prominent representatives of this party in parliament.
The head of a right-wing party is still being communicated to postpone the party’s elections to preserve its unity in the current circumstances, without reaching his condemnation, since he insists on the nomination of his son, and it is reported that the battle is ” lurking. “
The ministries of health and interior adopt a census of the number of people infected with Corona according to the records of souls, while the majority of the registered patients have not visited their villages for years, and these villages were closed without the presence of injured residents .


The Republic

A deputy from a Christian party says privately that officials from two political parties fear confrontation.
The ambassador of a country interested in expanding its influence in more than one region of the world cited that all this is only possible in Lebanon.
One of the officials prepared a “premature file” against a former minister to be presented to the Judiciary, which includes what he called “terrible crimes.”


Major General
Contacts are almost severed between the president of a major supporting country and Lebanese officials in power and the opposition!
Those who worry about the reform wonder where the decree of judicial formations was left and how long does it take?
Lebanese and Arab financiers speak of opportunities to withdraw their investments in the country and their money in the banks.


Call home
The governor of the Central Bank reiterates that there are those who try to surround him, locally and abroad, and hold him responsible only for the financial crisis.
Ma’anis was surprised that the Minister of Finance did not comment on the debate on the issue of the transfer of $ 6 million to “Orascom” in his external accounts, noting that the Minister of Communications did not deny his intention to carry out this transfer.
Contacts are taking place to coordinate positions between two opposition parties before the date of the parliamentary consultations, as the visions seem close between them, in opposition to a techno-political government.



Social media witnessed negative reactions to the words of a political official.
It was noted that a previous march had neutralized an official position of their positions despite the tension between them a year ago.


A retired veteran politician said that Lebanese parties had never before made concessions within Lebanon. Mutual concession to external parties is the norm, as it is used in external conflicts and settlements and the Lebanese political situation freezes when external parties are not ready to offer alternatives in exchange for requesting concessions.
A former European ambassador said that the political chaos in the world and conflict areas as a result of the US withdrawal is subject to escalation, because the attempt by Americans to fill the void with more pressure will result in more voids that others will fill in response. to escalation and therefore more chaos.
