Al-Majzoub announced the start of the school year on September 28: education combined with 50% attendance and curricula cut in half


The Minister of Education and Higher Education of the interim government, Tariq Al-Majzoub, announced the start of the 2020-2021 academic year, starting on September 28, through a plan developed by the educational system entitled “Mixed Education”.

Al-Majzoub presented the launch plan for the study at a ceremony at the ministry, which he presented at a press conference, without specifying how schools would prepare to face the Corona epidemic, save to talk about masks and sterilization tools.

Al-Majzoub said that the study will begin in the ranks of the official certificates “third secondary” and “ninth primary” on Monday the 28th of this month and the following Monday, October 5, respectively. While the study of seventh and eighth grade basic and first and second of high school will begin on October 5 and 8 of the same month.

As for the classes of the first and second episodes, they will begin on October 12 and Thursday of the same month, respectively. Kindergartens will begin on Monday, October 19 and 22 of the same month.

In the details and procedures, it is exceptionally adopted in secondary schools and public schools to divide people into two groups in the first semester of the year, and pending the return to normal health conditions, each with 50% of the total number of students in the total class, including no more than 18 students in a group in a way that ensures spacing. The necessary social provision, provided that the first group attends every day of the week, followed by the second group in the following week, and that the first group continues distance education while the second group is in school and vice versa, keeping the official working hours of teachers and professors without increase.

Regarding the integrated learning scenario for private schools, each school chooses the scenario that takes into account its specificity. As an exception for this year, the curriculum was cut almost in half for general education classes.

With regard to vocational and technical education, Al-Majzoub said, teaching begins on October 12, adopting blended learning, and the blended learning scenario has also been adopted according to the specificity of each specialization, especially since education vocational depends largely on the materials applied.

As for the Lebanese University, teaching will begin at the beginning of next November adopting blended learning. Regarding private universities, each university determines the starting date of teaching, as of September 28, adopting the blended learning scenario that takes into account its specificity.

The first part of the health protocol was released, while the second part is dedicated to educating the educational family about the requirements of the current stage and how to move and follow-up. In addition to the psychosocial support program, which includes activities for students from first to sixth grade. She announced that electronic resources will be made available to public and private high schools and high schools, and that they have been provided in cooperation between the Ministry and the Educational Center for Research and Development, and free electronic applications have been delivered that will be made. Sterile supplies, masks, instructional stickers, and electronic thermometers will be distributed to all public schools, high schools, and vocational institutes. She noted that UNICEF has secured 8,000 classroom laptops licensed to operate them. “We still need a thousand devices to complete the processing of all classes in public schools and high schools.
