Al-Jumhuriya: Al-Rahi surprised Aoun … and a new initiative!


According to information from the Al-Jumhuriya newspaper, President Michel Aoun, after presenting his explanations yesterday during the meeting with the Maronite Patriarch, Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi in Bkerke, seemed to hear a series of observations expressed by Patriarch Al-Rahi, especially when he refuted the titles of the speech “Epiphany” and what his appeal meant to both the President of the Republic and the President-designate, to communicate without external influences. Al-Rahi made a proposal that surprised the President of the Republic, when he wanted to accept the idea that Aoun and Hariri would meet wherever they wanted. The goal is to facilitate and expand recent contacts and complete the investigation in terms of where they ended up, in accordance with the rules that the sponsor made known in the sermon mentioned above.

According to Al-Jumhuriya, the President of the Republic responded to the sponsor’s request with a series of clarifying questions, and the sponsor did not give a final answer, hoping that the Patriarch would complete his contacts with Hariri and whoever deems it appropriate, until that ends with a search formula, and is considered according to the new data that these contacts will provide. . The objective of the President of the Republic is to reach authorship as quickly as possible and without haste, lest the country pay a price that no one wants if the new attempt fails.

According to information leaked from circles close to Bkerke, “the two men listened well to what each of them proposed when they exchanged readings and opinions.” Sources described Bkerke’s new initiative as based on “constitutional data”, as “a new government cannot be formed without the understanding and signature of Aoun and Hariri.” However, this proposal awaits Bkerke’s contact with the “House of Wasat”, provided that “the role of the Patriarch is a facilitator and seeks with all seriousness and with a national background to break the ice and reconnect what was cut between the two men” .

Sources from Baabda and Bkerke unanimously emphasized that there was no meeting project between the President of the Republic and the president appointed yesterday in Bkerke, since the new patriarchal initiative was not in the possession of either of them, so it lacks foundation. the speech about a failed attempt to unite them as suggested by some media leaks. Absolutely health.
