Al-Ba’rini: Al-Hariri is unwilling to apologize or withdraw


Al-Ba'rini: Al-Hariri is unwilling to apologize or withdraw

The member of the Future Parliamentary Bloc, deputy Walid Al-Ba’rini, received in his office in the city of Al-Muhammarah – Akkar, and popular delegations that included heads and members of municipal councils, mayors, activists and residents of the Akkaria towns, to discuss the affairs of the region and their needs.

It also received a delegation from the newly elected members of the Jardh al-Qaytaa Association, and the meeting addressed their role, the Akkar situation and the political scene in general.

And it was a speech by Al-Bawrini, in which he said: “We do not know if it would be better for us to congratulate you for receiving the task in public affairs, or we tell you, God help you, because the positions are not worth as much as they are a service and sacrifice for the good of society and its good, especially in these situations and circumstances. “

He referred to the Akkar situation, saying: “Before the crisis, it was private, so how is the situation today, so I invite you to be cooperative together, share ideas and proposals and work to achieve the best for our region and for all Akkar people, this is our hope, and this is our intention, and God is granting success. “

He expressed his regret “for what we heard about the decline in the climate of optimism that dominated the consultations to form the government in recent days, with the return of talking about a contract that interferes with the bases of the composition process, especially those related to the number of ministers and the rotation of portfolios, as well as the distribution of sovereign and service ministries, at the same time. We must all unite and show solidarity to move Lebanon forward. Unfortunately, we see some again putting obstacles one after another “.

He continued: “If the intention is to spend November 3 before facilitating the birth of the government, then the matter does not acquire a merit risk, but if the matter goes beyond this dimension and relates to a ceasefire battle with a horizon linked to long-term ambitions that would explain the rush of influential parties to control ministerial portfolios. Certainly the songwriting path will be much more complicated. “

He stressed that “Prime Minister Saad Hariri is not in the process of apologizing, or withdrawing from the demands of this or that, and the speed of composition is necessary even if he rushes before the great American Tuesday, and in response to what he may push the French president to withdraw his initiative in the face of the events his country is going through, because the world is busy with its events and problems. ” And Lebanese officials killed the country with corruption, and they are flooding it further today by obstructing authorship. “

On the occasion of the anniversary of the birth of the martyr Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, Al-Baarini affirmed that “today and every day Lebanon misses the martyr Al-Hariri more, who has always said that he is not important, that he will stay and go, the important thing is that the homeland remains, in light of the differences of some regarding actions, centers and ministries “.

Regarding the deterioration of health in the face of the Corona epidemic, Al-Baarini said: “The country is overflowing with files, and it is increasing as the number of infections from Corona, since the epidemic continues to increase the danger, and has reached the stage of social outbreak, and the responsibility here has been shared, since the state agencies did not implement the procedures with due seriousness and firmness, In addition to the fact that people have not adhered to the instructions and instructions that they are obliged to implement While the health and hospital sector suffers from serious structural problems, the solution may be to return to full closure again, even during a certain stage, so that Lebanon does not repeat the Italian experience.
