The author of the article continues: “Four years after the initiation of the investigations, the verdict issued against several officers involved in the embezzlement of billions of pounds was not expected. The expectations of some lawyers on the threshold of the military court yesterday favored that the period of detention of more than two years was enough. However, the sentence of the military court that has passed Issued last night, imposed a sentence of five years in prison against the former commander of the central administration unit of the security forces, Brigadier General Muhammad Qasim, fining him £ 250 million and confiscating his movable and immovable property.
The writer added in his article that “the same sentence was imposed on one of the officers of the Administrative Division, Lieutenant Colonel Mahmoud Al-Qaisi, for being considered the main aide and partner of the brigadier general in the crime committed, pointing out that the former military examining magistrate, Riad Abu Ghaida, who undertook the investigation of a case in which he interrogated dozens of officers and hundreds of soldiers, had accused the detainees of the crime of embezzlement, exploitation of office and abuse of power, and the court decided yesterday to impose the most severe penalty on the accused.
The verdict also confirmed, according to the author, the conclusion reached by the investigating judge that the commander of the central administration unit of the Internal Security Forces, Brigadier General Muhammad Qasim, had established a fraud network, theft and counterfeiting made up of officers, officers and agents, whose mission was to manipulate bills and social assistance to misappropriate public funds and distribute them in What’s in the middle? The defendants were also found to fabricate bills for the purchase of drugs and hospitalization, and deliberately signed falsified sickness benefits. They also participated with others in committing fraud in the quality of the materials delivered in the contracts for the assembly or equipping of official buildings. They also defrauded the specifications of the materials and parts that are used in the spare parts of the internal security forces.
Returning to the investigations, a fundamental gap was registered for the leadership of the General Directorate of Internal Security Forces, which agreed to deposit the sickness and social assistance funds, which were returned to the Directorate, in the personal account of the official responsible for disbursing those aids. The latter would deposit and withdraw money without organizing any inventory, either with the money he gave or paid, and then he would ask for billions of other money without any document proving that he spent the money that was previously given to him.
Investigations revealed that during 2013 checks in large amounts were placed in the name of the holder of the Credit Office, who charged interest in contravention of the law. It was also found that there were false tables with forged signatures of nursing and social assistance without the knowledge of the owners. The investigations revealed alterations in the prices to repair the mechanisms provided by the garages contracted with the security forces and the purchase of spare parts for the vehicles by invoice instead of the public tender imposed.
Officers and NCOs who were convicted last night, including the secretary of the former commander of the Central Administration Unit, the first qualified Khaled Najm, who was sentenced to four years in prison while forcing him to pay a fine and confiscate his assets. movable and immovable. Brigadier General Nizar Bou Nasreddin was sentenced to two years in prison, a fine of 100 million pounds and the confiscation of his movable and immovable property. Sentences of four years in prison were also handed down in two places, and two years in prison for a monotonous right, and the confiscation of their personal and real property.
The author concluded his article by noting that the ruling proved that chaos and lack of accountability led to the development of robberies in various settings, as officers and NCOs deliberately falsified nominal lists and inserted the names of long-dead or retired military personnel. weather. Those involved persuaded the soldiers to apply for sickness aid, provided they charge two-thirds of its value. Once the “return” was obtained, it was divided between those involved, those who facilitated their affairs and the “silent.”
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