Al-Akhbar: Hariri returned the portfolio of the Interior Ministry to the future and a diplomat affiliated with Jumblatt to take over the ministry.


Sources familiar with the atmosphere of the meeting held yesterday between President General Michel Aoun and President-designate Saad Hariri indicated that “Hariri appointed all the Christian ministers in his formation, and appointed the Hezbollah ministers without the party giving him the names that he proposes to choose as previously agreed with him. He appointed a diplomat affiliated with former MP Walid Jumblatt to take charge of foreign relations, although the latter clearly expressed his rejection of this ministry. Even when the President of the Republic informed him that there were no objections to giving Jumblatt health or education, he remained firm in his opinion.

Consequently, the sources ask: “How can someone who wants to form a government add to the dispute with the Christians two more disputes with the Shiites and the Druze?”

Other sources said: “Hariri has returned the inner portfolio that Aoun demands to be from the” future “part, to be taken over by Nicolas Habr. He assigned five Christian ministers to be appointed by Aoun, and three Christian ministers were assigned to the Marada Movement. , the Syrian Social Nationalist Party and the Tashnak Party, which Aoun rejected “who proposed a counter-formation, during which the portfolios and ministries were distributed among the sects without including any names.”
