Al-Abyad for Al-Akhbar: The pressure on intensive care beds will definitely increase


Hariri Hospital Director Firas Al-Abyad confirmed that the pressure on intensive care beds will inevitably increase, and the number of people residing in intensive care has reached 368, of which 147 are connected to ventilators, noting that Only 90 intensive care beds are estimated to remain empty. This is a number that is expected to serve only two weeks, unless private hospitals follow through on their promises to raise their readiness after reopening the country to reduce the burden on government hospitals generally and the Rafic Hariri Government Hospital in particular, which now includes 120 beds in the section dedicated to Corona.

Al-Abyadh told Al-Akhbar that the hospital, which increased the number of its beds in intensive care, is currently working to increase the number of beds for Covid 19 patients in the dialysis department, noting that the most important challenge facing the country is that the economic crisis is preventing the country from closing the health sector to rest. .

He noted the increase in the number of ordinary patients in the hospital (in the section dedicated to patients not infected with Covid 19), “due to the economic situation, many people are turning to the government hospital.” If this indicates anything, then the importance of paying attention to government hospitalization, which has been neglected for decades, in the interests of private hospitals that have not hesitated to snatch their interests at the expense of one of the biggest health crises in Lebanon. .
