Akkar in Ain al-Asifa … What are the latest developments in the spread of the epidemic and the measures taken?


Undoubtedly, the recent lack of commitment from returning expatriates, especially from Nigeria, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ukraine and Qatar, to their towns and villages in Akkar Governorate, and the risk that some of them violate their Alleged domestic stone and its mix with dozens of relatives and sympathizers, and excessive recklessness and lack of caution, pushed the state of health The year in the government, to a new negative reality that does not count the results, especially in light of the excessive tendency of the people of the region, without conscience and without any justification, to violate all decisions of public mobilization and the health emergency plan, and their insistence on not adhering to and maintaining the mix pattern and social customs that Ka Net prevalence before the outbreak of the new # Corona epidemic, in light of the indolence, some of the authorities concerned should point out that they were supposed to be stricter in the implementation of declared official decisions and compelled everyone to abide by their homes.

For more than 10 continuous days, the number of people affected by the crown in Akkar remained stable at number 27 since the crisis began, until expatriates arrived from abroad, which caused, in a few days, to increase the number of injured people to the limits of 50 injured, and more than 300 people. Contacts are supposed to remain in the household quarantine and perform the PCR tests for them.

A great general concern prevails in the region, especially in the cities of Jdeidet al-Qayta ‘(15 injured and the number is likely to reach 20), and Rahba (4 injured so far, may also increase). The matter, which caused the authorities involved to initiate the declaration of a state of emergency and for the medical and nursing teams of the Ministry of Health to come to the two cities that are now in the eye of the storm, to take the 150 samples of people In contact with the wounded to carry out the PCR examinations, with the follow-up of the Governor of Akkar, lawyer Imad. Al-Labaki, the Disaster Management Authority, the head of the Akkar Governorate Medical Center, Dr. Hassan Shadid and the Lebanese Red Cross, in cooperation with crisis cells in the affected municipalities, to meet this challenge, mitigate and reduce as much as possible the repercussions of the epidemic.

The Akkar Governor is expected to hold an emergency meeting tomorrow, Monday, in the Sarba Halba government, with all concerned authorities to keep up to date and coordinate and expedite steps.

The decision to isolate some towns and villages, and declare a state of emergency therein, was reported to be under serious consideration, in coordination with all relevant ministries, the Supreme Defense Council and the Disaster Management Authority, in conjunction with municipalities, local civil and civil society organizations, Dr. Abdullah Al-Rassi Government Hospital and all private hospitals and stone centers. Available.

He is expected, even required, to immediately return to the public mobilization decision in Akkar, especially during this period, to avoid meetings in front of banks, ovens and commercial shops in all towns and cities, and to stop the bus movement, buses and cars, to avoid deterioration of the health situation, especially since Akkar is considered. Soft flank in health and hospital levels due to the great shortage of equipment and equipment, medical and nursing personnel, and little preparation in case of an accelerated epidemic situation.

In this context, the member of the MP of the “Future Block”, Walid Al-Bairini, made an urgent appeal to the government in all its concerned ministries, and to the military and security institutions, and to the municipal and municipal federations, to “immediately tighten up implementing measures to prevent the Crown epidemic, and re-adopting measure number one, to save Akkar and the North. “

Al-Bairini renewed his demand that the people of Akkar and the North “take responsibility”, saying: “Our regions are all our responsibility, and any mistake or negligence will lead us to perdition, and as Corona consciously confronted us in his First weeks, today we must repeat the experiment to avoid spreading the virus among our families, children and loved ones. “

In addition, a group of “Youth from the Emergency Authority” in the city of Jdeideh Al-Qayta launched an initiative in cooperation with families, due to the large number of people affected by the crown to 15 injuries, based on preventing the People leave their homes, except in emergencies, and a number of young people volunteered to ensure the needs of each family and to close several of the entrances to the city, except the main entrance, where the municipal police will control the entrances and exits, it will take body temperature and emphasize the need to wear protective masks.

He announced the temporary suspension of prayer in mosques and the closure of cafes, which will be limited to delivery only.

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