Akar warns: we are running out of time!


Acting Government Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Zeina Aker chaired a meeting to study the problems and obstacles between the Lebanese army, security forces, hospitals and guarantor institutions.

The meeting discussed the problems and priorities related to the state of hospitals and guarantor institutions in light of the Corona epidemic and the deteriorating financial and economic situation. They also discussed the relationship between the Ministry of Health and official guarantor institutions, hospitals, armed forces, cooperatives, and unions in the context of quotas, in addition to the issue of insurance companies and the standardization of prices for medical supplies, their high prices against the high price of the dollar, and the smuggling of drugs, especially drugs for intractable diseases.

Minister Aker refuted the problems with the attendees, highlighting that “we are facing a national and humanitarian responsibility, and we are all in solidarity and cooperative, we find urgent solutions and we take swift, effective and unanimous measures to avoid any health catastrophe that may befall Lebanon “, warning that” time is running out and people’s lives are a priority. Honesty is in our hands and should not be exposed in any way to danger “, asking everyone to” squeeze out the costs and look for exceptional alternative solutions ” .

After deliberating on the issues raised, the meeting set priorities, highlighting the need to work on them as soon as possible, the most prominent being:

Work fast to finalize and pay your 2019 hospital fee files, and accelerate work on benefits for 2020.

The Banque du Liban ensures cash liquidity in Lebanese pounds to hospitals, military forces and the Lebanese army in exchange for the purchase of drugs and medical supplies to ensure cash liquidity for payment to the importer, starting tomorrow.

Contact the Association of Banks to urge them not to oblige importing companies to insure 15% of the import bill as fresh money.

Social Security studies the payment of differences in hospital bills related to Corona, which is estimated at 17 billion pounds, according to the Ministry of Health.
Work on setting a new rate for hospitals and doctors based on a study that reflects reality.

The Physicians Union advises physicians not to continue to place (NS-not replace) on the prescription until the House of Representatives enacts the law to do so.
Work to quickly unify the prices of medical supplies.

In turn, Captain Abu Sharaf highlighted “the need to financially support the hospital, medical and nursing sectors in order to continue, otherwise migration begins to deplete our energies and skills in the absence of legal immunity and an economic return. acceptable to complete career path “.

He affirmed that “the Ministry of Health is the only one that applies the law that separates fees and direct payment to the doctor within an acceptable period, while the rest of the guarantors intend to pay through the medical committees in the hospitals with a delay that sometimes it reaches two or three years after the completion of medical work, which some doctors say. To get differences from the patient. “

Abu Sharaf called for “raising the value of the meager official K rate of 7500 Lebanese pounds at least double to be in line with part of the cost of living index”, noting that Minister Aker promised to “seriously study the issue to achieve this” and asked the guarantors to “implement the law.” Segregate rates as soon as possible. “

Abu Sharaf also emphasized, “the need to support generic and locally manufactured drugs, the obligation to use a standardized prescription to stop the smuggling or storage of drugs, and the need to set the price of medical supplies by the Ministry. of Health and the Social Security Fund “. And he considered that “the errors accumulated previously showed the fragility of our health situation in all its aspects in this exceptional and difficult economic circumstance, which forces us to face an exceptional job, taking into account the dire social situation.”
