After Trump’s criticism … Pompeo vows to spread Clinton’s secrets


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who was the target of unusual criticism from President Donald Trump, vowed on Friday to publish controversial emails belonging to Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Trump’s team says these messages, if published, will prove Clinton should stand trial, according to “AFP.”

Earlier, Trump had received infrequent criticism from two of his closest advisers, Pompeo and Attorney General and Attorney General Bill Barr, less than a month before the presidential election.

In a telephone interview with “Fox Business”, Trump, who was forced to suspend his electoral campaign due to his contagion with the emerging coronavirus “Covid-19”, demanded that the two ministers take measures regarding the administration of his predecessor, Barack Obama .

Trump said Pompeo should find a way to spread the emails of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate in the last 2016 presidential election, that Republican activists criticizing for her use of a private servant while she was secretary of state are demanding.

In response to a question about the US president’s attack on him, Pompeo told Fox News: “We will post this information so that the Americans can see it.”

When asked if he would do it before the November 3 presidential election, Pompeo added: “We are doing it as quickly as possible. I totally believe that we will see more before the elections ”.

Trump said, “It’s (the email) in the State Department, but Mike Pompeo couldn’t get it out, which is really very sad.”

“I am not satisfied with him for this reason,” he added. “He runs the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I get those letters.”

Pompeo is one of the few aides who did not stand up to the fickle Trump, who criticized Pompeo and Bar’s predecessors after their firing.

Ironically, Pompeo was famous for his brusque tone when questioning Clinton when he was a member of Congress investigating the deadly attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

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