After the video of the doctor who received the vaccine “wrongly” was released … this is what the Minister of Health said


Acting Government Health Minister Hamad Hassan in Bekaa launched a Corona vaccination campaign from the Dar Al-Amal University Hospital in Baalbek and the Zahle government after the “Pfizer” vaccines were transferred to them this morning.

The first step was launched from the Dar Al-Amal University Hospital in Durres, and Hassan toured the ward departments and then delivered a speech confirming the launch of the campaign in all governorates from the Dar Al-Amal University Hospital , and after logistics, the failure occurred at the Baalbek Government Hospital.

He said: “Next week we will launch a parallel campaign from the Baalbek and Hermel government hospitals, and the Dar Al-Amal University Hospital that provided a model for the private sector to receive Corona cases in the region, and it was always next to his people and for this we had the honor of coordinating and being close to his administration, and in passing I thank the “Pfizer” team that has accompanied us since we started this morning in our campaign that began in Baalbek-Hermel “.

Regarding a video that was disseminated on social networks, in which a doctor is seen to be vaccinated improperly, he said: “What happened is a big mistake and a mistake, and we will address the matter and its implications for the investigation, and this it requires administrative and judicial procedures “.

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