After the night curfew decision … the restaurant and cafe owners union responds!


The Syndicate of Owners of Restaurants, Cafes, Cabaret and Pastry of Lebanon considered that “the closure decision does not work”, warning that “a curfew at night harms the sector.”

The union indicated in a statement that it is “following the decision of partial and regional closure, which is issued weekly with recommendations from the Committee for the Monitoring of Preventive Measures and Procedures for Coronavirus, which shows each time that it is not beneficial or for health nor for the economy, and the evidence is that the number of infections has not decreased. “

And he considered that “the curfew, which begins at nine o’clock at night, harms the sector more than it benefits it, since it deprives it of benefiting from dinner, and forces institutions to depend only on lunch that does not it covers not even a small part of the high operating cost of our institutions. “

He pointed out that “the Union has carried out scientific and digital inspection and audit campaigns, periodically and systematically, to institutions throughout the Lebanese territory to ensure the implementation of standards and procedures for the Coronavirus, and its results were excellent, and its brands they were published in documents and numbers every two weeks in the media, so the State was left with an iron fist “. Violating institutions, which will be violated after today. “

The Union recommended to the “Coronavirus Preventive Measures and Measures Follow-up Committee to take a decision of complete closure for a period of two weeks, covering all Lebanese territory without exception for any sector”. And it closed immediately instead of December, the month of the holidays. “

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