After the new dynasty … an Arab country bans flying from Great Britain


The British Health Minister went on to say: "Our plan is to complete the vaccination of a million people in a few days"He signaled the decision to re-quarantine London and south-east England.

Several countries were quick to make firm decisions after Hancock’s remarks, as the Netherlands banned flights from the UK for at least the rest of the year, while Belgium issued a ban on flights starting at midnight and trains to Great Britain were also suspended.

For their part, German officials are contemplating "Serious options" Regarding flights arriving from the UK, but no action has yet been taken.


The Kuwait Civil Aviation Authority stated that the decision to ban flights from the UK was taken “on the instructions of the health authorities”.

Kuwait’s decision comes as many countries around the world revealed the preventive measures they will take, in the context of British Health Minister Matt Hancock’s announcement on Sunday that the new strain of Coronavirus is out of control.

Hancock said in an interview with “Sky News” that “it will be difficult to control the new strain of Corona before the vaccines are distributed on a large scale.”

He added: “We want to end the spread of the new strain of the virus through social distancing measures.”

And the British Health Minister went on to say: “Our plan is to finish vaccinating a million people in a few days”, signaling the decision to re-impose quarantine in London and the south-east of England.

Several countries were quick to make firm decisions after Hancock’s remarks, as the Netherlands banned flights from the UK for at least the rest of the year, while Belgium issued a flight ban starting at midnight and also halted flights. train travel to Great Britain.

For their part, German officials are considering “serious options” regarding flights from the UK, but have yet to take any action.
