After the controversy over the expatriate plane from London … “Middle East” and the ambassador clarify for “Al-Nahar”


A video was distributed on social media of a plane returning from London with Lebanese people, showing the controversy between the passengers and the crew, protesting the lack of social divergence and compliance with the state of health for which they bought their tickets at double the price.

Clarification of “Middle East”

Some believed that what is happening is proof that SK-time flights are commercial, with the aim of benefiting from travelers’ pockets at a time when preventive measures are not taken into account, but that is not the case. This is the case of the company “Middle East”, in which a source told “An-Nahar” that “The company has nothing to do with passenger seats, and the matter depends on the Lebanese embassy. America he sat in the back of the plane while maintaining a safe distance between them. For some, knowing that Ambassador Rami Murtada’s target brought the greatest number of students. “

Clarify the ambassador

The trip that sparked the controversy is common between London and the United States, according to what the Lebanese ambassador to Britain, Rami Mortada, confirmed to Al-Nahar, explaining that “the embassy in London does not control the number of passengers coming from the United States, “explaining that” the passengers who sat next to each other are from All British passengers are, without exception, subject to PCR screening, as we take about a month of every month to travel From London, since each student who wants to return we organize a quick exam with a special effort from the embassy, ​​so the exam here is not available for everyone who wants to present it (in Health Security), and after issuing the results of the examination, we took a copy and, on this basis, we decided the final list To passengers returning from Britain. ” He added: “When returnees are subject to a quick examination, it is only natural that we get more seats on the plane to meet the great need, as we have around 2,700 people who want to return, including cases of students in a difficult situation, who they went back to the roads penniless after the universities closed, and we tried to pay them the monthly allocations from a special fund that we set up at the embassy, ​​but what we can do doesn’t completely meet the need, so it is urgent that we find that can come back. “

According to the ambassador, “There is no point in leaving a safe distance between two passengers as a result of your test being negative, otherwise what is the value of the test?” And he emphasized that the separation was made between the group from Great Britain and the group of passengers from the United States, because their members were not subjected to examination while leaving a safe distance between these passengers, since we are faced with an exceptional situation that requires exceptional management.
