After the banking sector was accused of laundering money for a party


The following statement was issued by the Directorate of Public Relations and Media of the Association of Banks of Lebanon

The Lebanese Banking Association’s Media and Public Relations Directorate issued the following statement: “In recent days, some Arab media outlets have reported on foreign organizations with suspicious targets and unfair news that the Lebanese banking sector in general, and several Lebanese banks in particular, constitute a channel. To launder money by Hezbollah.
It is important for the Banking Association to emphasize that this news is totally fabricated and lacks validity and credibility. Lebanese banks adhere to all the rules of compliance, transparency and the fight against money laundering in force in Lebanon and abroad, with the recognition and mention of international and regional references specialized in this field, and are also subject to obligations international, American and European sanctions related to such illicit activities.
On this occasion, we reiterate the continuity of the affiliation of our sector to the global banking system and the application of its business rules.
The association believes that the persistence of unfairly embracing such misleading and distorted accusations of the reputation of the Lebanese banking sector serves the interests of forces hostile to Lebanon and its people, with well-known political purposes at a stage witnessing hidden and open struggles by influence and wealth in this region of the world. The Association, while saluting and greatly appreciating the efforts made by the international community, especially friendly and brotherly countries, to help Lebanon recover from its current stagnation and its current terrible experience, with its financial, economic and social triangular dimensions , can only renew its expression of appreciation to the Lebanese media. Arabic, as well as for social networks, and urge the latter to further verify the veracity of the news circulating about Lebanon, in order not to further harm our afflicted homeland, and to adhere to accuracy and objectivity when covering the news, positions and activities of the Lebanese banking sector, which today received with great regret. The news of Dr. Mustafa Adib’s apology for forming a new government, which makes the Lebanese situation more difficult and complicated.

