After talking about not excluding journalists from the closure decision, the Publishers Union responds


The head of the Lebanese Press Publishers Union, Joseph Al-Qasifi, issued a statement saying: “Information is circulating that the Crown Committee will recommend that media professionals not be excluded from the curfew. This measure contradicts the principle of media work and its mechanisms, because the vast majority of them cannot function without moving and wandering, of course, with the highest degrees of health prevention and social distancing.

The statement added: “We reject any measure that restricts the movement of media professionals in any sector, and we call on the Minister of Information to prevent a recommendation or decision from being made. We also call on colleagues to to speak out against any such approach or any decision made about it. Media professionals are doing their duty. ” Inform people that they are trapped in their homes and do not violate the laws in a way that the competent authorities cannot dissuade them. The exception is a right that the media demand and do not abandon ”.

The adviser to the President of the Republic, Walid Khoury, had indicated in an interview with the daily An-Nahar that “The press cannot be exempt from the total closure decision, and after the country is closed for a week, we can gradually increase the exceptions.”
