After normalization … Israeli gangs transport “drugs” to Dubai


An Israeli channel revealed, on Sunday, December 6, 2020, that prominent leaders of criminal organizations in Israel have recently begun to transfer their activities to the United Arab Emirates, following the signing of the normalization agreement and the start of regular business trips between Both countries.

The Israel Channel (12) quoted a senior Tel Aviv police officer, whom it did not name, as saying that “leaders of criminal organizations work through agents who have sent them on their behalf, or have traveled to Dubai in recent days, to complete deals worth tens of millions of dollars. “

The official added that “leaders of criminal organizations visit Dubai with the aim of buying real estate, or building alliances in projects in the field of food or hotels, but mainly with the aim of trading cocaine and laundering the money they collect in Israel.”

This statement coincides with what the television channel reported, according to Israeli police sources, that a cocaine shipment of about 750 kilograms was recently seized in the port of Ashdod, after it left Guatemala in South America and passed through the Belgian port. from Antwerp, financed by entrepreneurs. Israelis working in the Emirates.

Police sources confirmed to the channel that “this large load of drugs could have achieved an estimated profit of 70 million dollars.”

According to the channel, the Israeli police estimate that dozens of Israeli criminals disguise themselves as businessmen, and are currently in the Emirates to weave deals and cooperation in trade and criminal businesses as well.

The Tel Aviv police security source warned criminals not to get involved in drug deals in Dubai, because “if they are arrested they can be imprisoned for many years and things can end with the death penalty,” he said.

The normalization agreement: Notably, in mid-September, Israel and the United Arab Emirates signed an agreement to normalize relations under the auspices of the United States, and then the two countries signed several cooperation agreements, including a waiver agreement. mutual entry visa.

Last Wednesday, the aviation company “Israir” started operating two daily flights from Tel Aviv to the Emirates, followed by the company “Arkia” a day later, while the largest Israeli airline joined them, on December 9. , with 14 weekly flights.

On the other hand, the UAE company “Fly Dubai” began operating two daily flights, from UAE to Tel Aviv, from November 26.
