After ‘normalization’ … ‘homosexuality’ at MBC, why?


The world – Saudi Arabia

The episode addressed the issue of homosexuals (homosexuals), where the problem arises, as a difference of views on them, between the dizzy bronchial father and his daughter Aseel Omran, where al-Qasabi is opposed to symbols of what is known as the LGBT community, and the rainbow is their symbol on clothing During the episode, Al-Qasabi expresses his objection to them, so he was ordered in the same episode to record a video clip in the screen of his phone, and asks to burn gay people and remove them from society on the pretext that they are against human instinct.

What is notable in the episode is that Aseel Omran, who plays the role of Al-Qasabi’s daughter, took a contrary view from her father and defended them saying, “Oh, if you believe in human rights, do you think they have rights and they live by their condition, and we have nothing to do with them. ” You, even a fool, are tired of saying human rights and, of course, this confirms what people are, as long as they violate human nature.

The author of the work behind Al-Harbi left in his episode that sparked the platform controversy, and presented a scene that reunited Al-Qasabi “Dukhi” and his brother “Gharib” with two gay men, and demanded that Al-Qasabi will apologize. In them, something disgusting and dirty, and the mistake we must say wrong. “

According to the description of the MBC channel spokesman Mazen Hayek, in which he seemed to respond to what emerged in the normalization episode of the series “Exit 7”, and talk about “the Zionist enemy as brother”, it is assumed that these Ideas are also presented according to his description of “healthy discussions”, which is This means that the conservative screen of Saudi Arabia presents homosexuality as a subject that can tolerate views, which is what happened between the father and his daughter , and the violation of nature and religions, just as they did with the Palestinian cause, his holiness, and dressed him as a pledge of opinion and other opinion.

The “Exit 7” work events, taking place in the capital, Riyadh, deal with the emerging state of change and openness affecting Saudi society. The job touched on one of her episodes of female leadership and her access to the position of general manager at the company where Al-Qasabi works, to achieve standardization rings with Israel and LGBT. This raises questions about the goal of the job creators and those behind them, by passing an understanding of the controversial issues in the house of (Dukhi) the Saudi citizen, the simple employee, who was supposed to be one of the Red lines that the Saudi religious conservative society rejects, led by “dealing with the infidels” of “Jews and Christians”, according to Adabiah According to commentators, concerns about issues of homosexuality, sexual and moral deviance, and raising awareness about the leadership of Women, reaching high positions and accepting them, according to commentators, is different from making an opinion that accepts normalization and homosexuality, which will not place the Saudis in the ranks of the nations as critics say.

Saudi Arabia does not recognize gay and transgender rights, and imposes the heaviest penalties, such as fines, flogging, torture, life imprisonment, and the death penalty, and describes its actions with sodomy laws, but the current government of the Kingdom is on the road to reform, abolishing flogging penalties in Ta’zir cases in which the judge is left with a verdict, as well as the death sentence against minor offenders, and supporters of this approach say it came to listen to Western observations on human rights.

As commentators, Aseel Omran, the daughter of Al-Qasabi, monitored with a sympathetic view of homosexuals in the controversial episode, when she spoke about her father’s belief in human rights, and if he believes in the latter, you must believe that Gays have rights, and this may suggest a lot on the Saudi screen, before the era of opening. Al-Qasabi and his most famous series, “Tash Ma Tash”, criticized the Foundation for Enjoying Good and Prohibiting Evil and mocking their men, and he renewed their ridicule when he boasted of one of the episodes of selling hearts reds and flowers on Valentine’s Day after reducing their powers.

The gay episode has sparked widespread controversy among Saudi activists and singers, some of whom questioned the importance of the episode’s presentation, and some of whom attacked Al Qasabi and the crew, and the third went on to wait for more controversial topics, about atheism and disbelief, while others questioned the reason for the attack. The episode, given that it addresses all the problems in Saudi society, but most of the tweets expressed their discontent, because the rattle Sultan agreed with what he said with the war and the MBC bronchodilator, but what according to him was presented as “somewhat unpleasant” to the degree of vomiting, and presented at the time of the family reunion.

Khaled Al-Jayyousi – Today’s Opinion
