After news about the lack of coordination between the Ministries of Education and the Interior regarding closed areas, the first clarifies


The Media Office of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education issued the following statement:

Inaccurate news circulates about the lack of coordination between the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities in matters of closure.

Whoever reads the decisions of the Ministers of Interior and Education in this regard, will find that they comply in their entirety with respect to the total closure of educational institutions located in closed towns and cities, and the non-adherence of administrative and educational bodies and workers of the closed areas with their workplaces in educational institutions not covered by the closure decision.
The Minister of Education and Higher Education calls on all educational institutions to “fully adhere to the decisions issued by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of the Interior, and tomorrow, Monday, the classes authorized to be opened will take place in Decision No. . 463 / M / 2020 of 10/10/2020, that is, the ninth grade (Professionals), second and third secondary (through integrated learning respecting a maximum of 50% of the class capacity, and applying the procedures mentioned in the health guide issued by the ministry), and not opening other classes because the health sector does not carry an additional burden. Likewise, the Minister of Education calls for “school transport to fully adhere to what is issued in terms of its capacity by the Ministry of the Interior.”

The Minister of Education stated that “teachers, administrators or students who suffer from chronic diseases or immunodeficiency, must inform the school director in writing (with the corresponding report), who in turn informs their direct supervisor to take the necessary measures. necessary according to each case “.

“We are going through a very delicate and healthy period, and we must fully adhere to the procedures to preserve the country,” the media office statement concluded. The Minister of Education “trusts administrators and administrative and educational bodies to pass this stage prudently and with the least possible damage to the educational sector.”
