After nasal and anal swabs … a new exam for Cor | Phalanges


Following nasal and anal swabs, Dutchman Peter Van Weiss hopes that his innovation will become an alternative to testing for the Corona virus.

Dutch inventor Peter Van Weiss hopes his innovation will become an alternative to virus detection tests for emerging corona, including nasal, throat and even anal swabs, especially since the device he designed only needs to scream until it the person is safe. who is infected with the disease.

Van Weiss asked the participants with his experiments to enter an airtight room, and then shout or sing, so that the device filters the air through it, and collects all the particles emitted by the respiratory system of those inside, to be analyzed and verify whether or not they contain the virus.

“If you are a carrier of the coronavirus and you are contagious (when) you scream, you are spreading tens of thousands of particles that contain the virus,” Weiss said.

The inventor built a small room (kiosk) containing his innovation next to a corona test center in the suburbs of Amsterdam to test his innovation on people who had just been tested.

One of the participants, Suraya Aswad, 25, said after sharing the experience: “It is always good to shout, when no one can hear you.”

According to the creator, it takes only three minutes for the device to recognize the infection.

The device identifies the virus by its size, using nanometric technology.

And the health authorities in the Netherlands had approved, last month, a breath-based test, in which the participant was asked to blow into a tube to verify that he was infected with the virus.

Source: Reuters
