After “long and difficult” negotiations … Britain and the European Union reach a post-Brexit deal, and European leaders praise it


On Thursday night a trade agreement was reached between the United Kingdom and the European Union on the post-Brexit phase, and the British government considered that it keeps all its promises to its people, and the European side considered it fair and balanced, while most European countries praised it.

From London, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson told a press conference: “We have regained control of our destiny, our laws and our sovereignty through an agreement with the European Union. We will regain full control of our waters through the agreement”.

He added that his country will be able to stimulate jobs, support farmers and produce food. “For the first time, we will be an independent country,” he said.

Johnson considered that “the agreement is good for all Europe and for our friends and partners”, adding: “I say to the Europeans: We will continue to be your friends and your support.”

He said that his country wants to be a force that cooperates with the other side in all fields.

The British Prime Minister made it clear that from January 1 next, there will be a new system of customs duties.

Johnson promised that the new year would arrive with new stability, defeating the Corona pandemic and rebuilding the economy, believing that the agreement with the European Union means stability for the police, the aviation sector and companies.

Promises kept

Shortly before this conference, a Johnson spokesperson said: “All promises to the British people have been fulfilled through the trade agreement with the European Union.”

As a British Prime Minister source told Reuters: “The deal is complete. We have regained control of our money, our borders, our laws, our trade and our fishing waters.”

He added that the agreement is great news for families and companies in his country. “We signed the first free trade agreement with the European Union without quotas or quotas,” he added.

He considered that this “great agreement” was achieved in record time and under very difficult circumstances, and that it is an agreement that protects the integrity of the domestic market of his country and the position of Northern Ireland in it.

The source said the deal covers trade worth 668 billion pounds ($ 909 billion) in 2019.

In turn, the British Minister for International Trade, Lise Truss, said that the agreement would lead to a “solid commercial relationship” with the European Union and other partners around the world.

And former Prime Ministers David Cameron and Theresa May, who resigned over Brexit, said the deal was “very welcome” and May said it “gives business confidence and helps keep trade flowing.”

Meanwhile, the British pound held its gains today to stay near its highest levels in two and a half years, following the announcement of the deal.

The pound rose 0.8% following the confirmation of the deal, to $ 1.361, slightly below the highs recorded in May 2018.

The main European negotiator and the president of the European Commission at a press conference to announce the news (Reuters)

European side

For her part, the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Line, said that a fair and balanced agreement had been reached with Great Britain, considering that the negotiations were long and difficult.

“The time has come to turn the page on Brexit and look to the future,” added von der Leyen.

The president of the European Commission affirmed that cooperation with Great Britain will continue in the interests of both parties at all levels.

In turn, the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, said: “We will review the agreement with the European Parliament before approving it.”

As for the European chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, he said that the partnership with Great Britain will be based on new economic foundations, considering that it is time to build this partnership.

Barnier stressed that the European Union will support fishermen.

The European Parliament welcomed the agreement, but its president, David Sassoli, said he will continue his work before deciding whether or not to give his approval next year, provided that the agreement is temporarily implemented to avoid a departure without an agreement.

“Parliament regrets that the length of the negotiations and the nature of the agreement reached at the last minute do not allow for real parliamentary monitoring before the end of the year,” Sassoli said.

European acclaim

Immediately after announcing the deal, Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon said, in a tweet, that “it is important to remember that Brexit is being carried out against Scotland’s wishes, and no deal will be able to make up for what Brexit does to us. The time has come to chart our own future as an independent European country. ” “.

As for Irish Prime Minister Michael Martin, he said the deal “represents a good deal and a balanced outcome” and will avoid imposing trade barriers with Northern Ireland, noting that “the UK will always be a close friend and partner”.

In turn, Northern Ireland Prime Minister Arlene Foster said: “This is the beginning of a new era in the relationship between the UK and the European Union, and we want Northern Ireland to maximize the opportunities provided by the new agreements for our national economy “.

For his part, French President Emmanuel Macron said – in a tweet – that the “unity and firmness” of the European Union had paid off after the announcement of the Brexit agreement, adding that “the agreement with the United Kingdom is necessary for protect our citizens, fishermen and our producers. “

German Chancellor Angela Merkel also confirmed that she was “sure” that the deal was a “good result”.

As for Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, he wrote on Twitter that the principle of the agreement is “welcome”, adding that “Spain and the United Kingdom continue their dialogue to reach an agreement on Gibraltar.”

In the Netherlands, Prime Minister Marc Rutte said, on Twitter, that this was “wonderful news” and praised Michel Barnier and Ursula von der Leyen, and their “tireless efforts”.

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said on Twitter that it was “good news”, adding: “The interests and rights of European companies and citizens are guaranteed. The UK will be a central partner and ally of the European Union and Italy. “.

The Portuguese Prime Minister, Antonio Costa, welcomed the news “warmly” and stressed that Britain will continue to be an important partner and ally.

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz tweeted: “I welcome the ability of negotiators to reach an agreement,” adding: “We will now study the agreement carefully.”

And Danish Foreign Minister Yeba Kofud considered the agreement “the best birthday present that the 27 countries of the European Union and the United Kingdom can exchange.”

Romanian President Klaus Iohannes also welcomed the agreement, saying on Twitter: “This agreement will protect the interests of businesses and citizens. It is the main objective of Romania during these negotiations.”
