After its appearance in Lebanon … an official statement on the “black beetle”


The Agricultural Scientific Research Service indicated that the black bug Calisoma returned and appeared this year in large numbers in Arsal and Baalbek and could spread to other Lebanese regions.

The research bulletin said in a statement that insect reproduction is due to the availability of climatic and nutritional factors in recent years. As for the heat wave that Lebanon is witnessing after a period of humid and temperate climate, it led to her leaving the land in search of shelter and food.

The Authority reminds citizens that this is an insect that is not harmful, and recommends the following:
Do not eliminate it in agricultural areas because it is beneficial to feed on some agricultural and forest pests.

– Do not touch it because it will bite to defend itself –
Turn off the lights of the balconies, the entrances to the houses and public streets in the residential areas, and close the doors and windows well because this insect is very attracted “to the light”.
– Public health pesticides authorized by the Ministry of Health can be used in residential areas only if the beetles continue to flow in large quantities “despite the application of the aforementioned guidelines.”

For his part, the Chairman of the Board and Director General of the Department of Agricultural Scientific Research stated that the black beetle Calisoma that appeared at night in northern Bekaa, in addition to the Amara insect, are harmless and do not cause any agricultural damage or harm humans as they are attracted to the lights and we saw it last year at the same time because of Heat Wave. So don’t panic and these insects will gradually disappear.
