After his brilliance in the Ramadan marathon. Gulf artist 365, Lebanese actress Carmen Lebbs


Hani Nasr Al-Arabi wrote on Saturday May 2, 2020 1:19 AM. – You are now reading a news story after your brilliance in the Ramadan marathon. Gulf Art 365 is talking to Lebanese actress Carmen Lips and now in full detail only on Gulf 365

The Lebanese artist, who loves art, changes and introduces all new things, she stood out for embodying various personalities, and when you see her on the screen she interacts with the nature of the role she plays, and you believe in personal details as if they were real and unrepresentative, it is a rebellious business model that is famous for providing everything that is unique and out of the box, and therefore success was His ally and populated the hearts of the masses in all Arab countries, is Lebanese star Carmen Lebbos.

After her brilliance in the Ramadan marathon through a heart series that touched all of our hearts, Gulf Art 365 had a private dialogue with Carmen Lips and spoke to us about many things with transparency and openness.

And to the text of the dialogue:

At first … What caught your attention to accept participation in the heart?

What caught my attention for this work is the text because it is coherent and wonderful and it looks like Lebanon, and it is not taken in a foreign way or from a translator or another, but from the reality of Lebanese life, as well as from my great love for the writings of Tariq Sweden, and I found the character wonderful.

Tell us about your personal data.

The meat of a woman named Feryal is present in our societies and within each home, she is the woman who forgets her life and sacrifices herself for the good of her family, lives in a depressing and unhappy situation, and events continue and uncover many stories and then his life turns upside down and I get very tired because all the emotions were inside.

How did you prepare for this character?

Normally, when I read the script, I focus on all the details between the lines, a character close to us and in our societies, and the difficult thing I have prepared for is letting my feelings appear through his incarnation.

Did you expect to show it in Ramadan?

This series was not shown during Ramadan, but was scheduled for early winter, but was stopped due to the outbreak of the revolution in Lebanon, and was postponed for the Holy Month, and the presentation during Ramadan is something beautiful and disturbing to the Same time. For one thing, something may work. The dramatic momentum remained, on the other hand, the work may enjoy a large audience and be happy with success.

What difficulties did you encounter when photographing the scenes?

One of the most difficult difficulties I encountered was feeling and showing these emotions to the audience and leaving me naturally, and because the scenes required a lot of crying, and I had to advise myself to put ice and cold milk in my eyes until the second day seemed normal.

Tell us about the details of your participation in the 2020 series?

I rejected more than one drama until I participated in the 2020 series, the work is very distinctive, as it is produced by Al-Sabah and the wonderful writer Nadine Jaber, and includes a lot of actors, starring Nadine Nassib Najim and Qusai Khouli , so I was excited to work.

Did you want to display it in Ramadan instead of the heart?

I love the two works because they are completely different, since I embody a woman with a big heart and great feelings in the heart and, in return, in 2020 she appeared in the heart, but I was afraid to show them at the same time and enter the competition together and this would have concerned me.

Tell us about the details of your role in 2020?

She is a woman who hides her feelings all the time, is cruel in form and content, and I hope the audience will admire her.


In your opinion, is the dramatic impulse of Ramadan unfair to some actions in terms of monitoring and visualization?

Of course, the dramatic boost during the month of Ramadan causes injustice to some of the works due to the large number of people and limited time to watch these series.

In your opinion, is the level of Arab drama developing or is it still missing?

Certainly, the Arab drama is in great development and intense development, both in terms of writing and text or photography and direction.

I read a statement about your discomfort with the kinds of roles being offered. If this happens again and these offers continue, can you make the decision to withdraw?

I said before that our Arab societies are masculine and always in drama. We discovered that the hero, even if he is old, chooses a young artist before him, and since the audience is influenced by everything he sees in the drama, this affects our societies and we have to contribute to the development of our societies through drama, and this does not prevent The artist of fifty and more years lives a love story and does not appear only as a woman who is united to the man by his presence in the home to raise their children or to be an evil mother or a defeated woman, but it is necessary to shed light on the problems of women at this age, but unfortunately there are no writings that we have in the drama. In this way and if it is done by activating that and applying it in a distinctive way, I hope to change many things in our societies and their vision of women of this age.

Age has only become a number after the appearance of plastic surgery, and even at the level of television programs, we find that it has been restricted to pretty girls, but women must also participate in the programs, even if wrinkles are clear in their characteristics, this is something that we should be proud of because it is caused by experiences. Wide.

As for the decision to retire, if these conditions persist as they are and I do not find fair roles, of course, I will retire at that time, because acting for me is a great pleasure and I love to present more than one character.

What about cinema … do you have any preparations for the future?

I have no current film preparations, and I receive several film shows, but I do not accept due to the lack of conditions in which I wish to work and, in particular, the cinema does not recognize it and the work must be good until I participate, and I hope to present a film work in Egypt.

What kind of career would you like to stop acting?

I loved working as a psychologist.

In your opinion, are theatrical arts fans out now?

In fact, the theater is no longer as before, and the presence of the public within homes has been reduced, seeing everything through satellite channels, and whatever happens, the theater will still retain its value and fear, and the Ministry of Culture You should work and focus on this topic until the theater returns as it was.

Some people think that the Corona virus is a punishment from God. You agree with this opinion?

Of course, the Coronavirus is a punishment from God and from the earth, because we do not live properly and we contaminate the environment, nature, logging and the killing of animals. Unfortunately, the human being is devastated around him, so we discovered that the earth breathed during the crown period.

Who do you prefer to see their works and represent new artists?

There is no one in particular, but I would love to follow all the new artists and develop what they present and their performance and work.

What is your message to your audience and your advice in light of this crisis?

I would like to say “an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.” They have to prevent this virus because some underestimate it because it is invisible and when they have it they regret what they did, so it is necessary to wash their hands constantly and take all preventive measures.
