After calling for reform … the “disappearance” of Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba


Alibaba’s founder Chinese billionaire Jack Ma has been “missing” after calling for economic reform, according to media reports that questioned the reasons for his departure from the spotlight relatively recently.

Billionaire Jack Ma, one of China’s richest men and founder of e-commerce giant Alibaba, has not appeared in public for more than two months, according to a report issued by Yahoo Finance and published by “Foxbusiness.”

His disappearance came after he called for economic reform in an Oct. 24 speech in Shanghai.

Despite the pandemic, its activity performance in China increased in December and maintained its pre-epidemic levels.

The billionaire, who has disappeared from the limelight, said: “Today’s financial system is the legacy of the industrial age. We must create a new generation of young people and we must reform the current system.”

Foxbusiness reported, citing Yahoo Finance, that Jack was not supposed to participate in the final November episode of “Africa’s Business Heroes,” a competition for African entrepreneurs, but was represented by an Alibaba executive.

Alibaba and Ant Group, the financial services firm, were brought under Chinese government supervision after Jack Ma’s speech, and Alibaba faces an antitrust investigation that began in December, while Ant Group’s initial public offering was suspended and the company was informed of the restructuring.

Jack Ma, whose wealth is estimated at $ 58.4 billion, has committed millions of dollars to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

And in the spring, he said he would award $ 14.4 million from his foundation to fund the development of a vaccine for the coronavirus in Wuhan, and $ 2.15 million had also been allocated to develop a vaccine at the Institute of Infections and Immunology. in Australia.

Source: “Foxbusiness”

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