After a long wait … the threat from Washington has come true, and Turkey “condemns”.


The United States delivered on what it had long promised and eventually imposed sanctions on Turkey.

A move that occurred in the context of Turkey’s purchase of the Russian “S-400” system, which Washington describes as a threat to it and to NATO.

The sanctions target the Turkish Defense Industries Corporation and its president, and 3 people from the sector.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said his country’s measures include stopping the granting of export licenses to the Turkish Defense Industries Authority and freezing the financial assets of its director.

Pompeo said Washington has made it clear to the Turkish side on several occasions that the acquisition of the Russian system represents a threat to the security of their country’s military technology. He added that he urges the Turkish leadership to solve the problem of the defense system, in coordination with the United States.

For its part, the Turkish government condemned the sanctions, calling them a serious mistake. But he showed willingness to discuss the issue diplomatically.

In Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov criticized the US move, describing it as a lack of legitimacy and a violation of international law.

The crisis began more than 3 years ago when Turkey signed an agreement with Russia to acquire the air defense system.

Ankara paid no heed to US pressure, which materialized in the suspension of the delivery of “F-35” fighters to the Turkish side, and the exclusion of Turkey from the program to manufacture these fighters.

The Turkish military received the first batch of the system last year and began testing it two months ago. This infuriated the United States, and promised dire consequences for this step.

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