After 70 years of marriage … at ninety he kills his sick wife for love


A 92-year-old German confessed in court to murdering his wife after almost 70 years of marriage.

His defense attorney said this was done out of love, not out of self-interest or bad faith.

In a statement read in the court of the city of Würzburg, in the German state of Bavaria, the elderly defendant said: “Throughout these years I have looked after my wife to the best of my ability.

The information indicated that the man cared for his 91-year-old wife, who had suffered from dementia 24 hours a day for years, and only received assistance twice a week from a health center.

The man was said to have acted out of desperation, as he drowned in the burden of care and was afraid to send his wife to foster care.

The spouses, who do not have children, are alleged to have agreed to die together, noting that the man tried to commit suicide but was unsuccessful.

According to the Public Ministry, the man strangled his wife with a blanket and suffocated her on November 3, 2019.

The prosecutor said the man would be responsible for the beatings that led to his death “without being considered a murderer.” And since the man is presumed to have been very depressed when he killed his wife, his criminal liability in the courtroom may be reduced.

