Activist in Hezbollah’s “Free Patriot”: “Save us from your Lord, stay.”


The activist of the “Free Patriotic Movement”, Dr. Naji Hayek, tweeted on his account via “Twitter”, writing: “When the Secretary General followed them, Bismi, the guide of Iran,” the leader “, that is , missiles under the command of Hida the Leader.
The worst thing about stranger dependency is cheek !!! “

He concluded his tweet: “Save us from your Lord, stay.”

Hayek attached his tweet by republishing President Michel Aoun’s tweet, which included: “The Lebanese have no partner to preserve the independence of their homeland and their sovereignty over their borders, lands and freedom of choice.”

Earlier on Sunday, the Central Media Committee of the “Free Patriotic Movement” issued a statement, which constituted a turning point in the relationship between the “Free Patriotic Movement” and “Hezbollah”, as the “movement” stated that ” the right of the Lebanese to defend their sovereignty, land and wealth. ” In the face of any aggression, by Israel or others. “

The statement noted: “The Lebanese are concerned about preserving Lebanon’s freedom, resolve, sovereignty and independence, and that the resistance practiced by the Lebanese in defense of their land must always serve only these objectives, and that any support that they receive cannot be conditioned to renounce national sovereignty or participate in. They have nothing to do with that. “

The commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Air Force, Ali Hajizadeh, said on Saturday that “all the missile capabilities of Gaza and Lebanon have been supported by Iran, and are the front line of the confrontation.”

During an interview with Al-Manar TV, he said: “There is an intersection of fire in the sky of Israel, between Syria, Lebanon and Palestine”, and emphasized that “the Palestinians today possess the technology to make precision missiles.”
