Accusations of Aoun for violating the Lebanese constitution and exceeding the powers of the prime minister


Accusations of Aoun for violating the Lebanese constitution and exceeding the powers of the prime minister

“He acts like he did when he headed the military government.”

Saturday – 20 Rabi ‘al-Thani 1442 AH – December 05, 2020 AD Edition No. [

President Michel Aoun presiding the day before yesterday at the meeting of the Supreme Defense Council (Dalati and Nahra)

Beirut: Mohamed Choucair

A former prime minister was surprised by President Michel Aoun’s statement, while presiding over the Supreme Defense Council meeting, that current circumstances sometimes impose a slight expansion in the conduct of business by the resigned government to address the needs of the country until the formation of the next government, and saw in his words that he continued to modify In practice, the constitution (the Taif Agreement) is not a text, in a manifest attempt to evade international pressures that ask to accelerate the formation of the government, especially since the conduct of business, as is customary, is kept within narrow limits.
A former prime minister, who preferred not to be named, accused the president of the republic of acting as if he were heading the Revolutionary Command Council, refusing to adhere to the principles of the constitution, and told Al-Sharq Al-Awsat that, through his call for a small expansion in the conduct of business, transferring the powers entrusted to the procedural power to the Defense Council. The supreme person who does not have the capacity to inform, and his function is limited to issuing recommendations and submitting them to the Council of Ministers, which is the only one who has the right to consider them and make the appropriate decisions.
He stressed that President Aoun’s call will not go unnoticed, and his position will have political repercussions that are supposed to interact, in the context that it violates the constitution, makes him the ruler in his charge, and allows him to make decisions that exceed the powers entrusted to him. to the presidential system, and revealed that the former prime ministers have begun their consultations. With the president in charge of forming the new government, Saad Hariri, in preparation to respond to his violation of the constitution.
In this context, an opposition source told Asharq Al-Awsat that Aoun is preparing to overthrow the Taif Agreement, and attributed the reason to being the first to announce his rejection of it, on the pretext that he formed the international and regional coverage for his expulsion from the Baabda Palace, and forced him to move to the headquarters of the French embassy. From there he left for Paris. He believed that the memorandum of understanding he signed with “Hezbollah” Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah in February 2006 was not devoid of any reference to “Taif” was not a coincidence, but came from a prior conception and design.
It revealed that international delegates who visit Lebanon from time to time, specifically following the resignation of President Hassan Diab’s government, are asking for the reasons behind the government’s lack of attention to Lebanese affairs, and the answer comes from Diab. that the hurdle is due to the conduct of business staying within certain limits, and this is what he finally informed you. To the British Secretary of State for Middle Eastern and African Affairs, Cleverley, when she met him the day before yesterday.
He pointed out that Aoun seeks to activate the resigned government, in a necessary step for it to float, to make way for the cabinet to reconvene, otherwise, why would it have taken the initiative to avoid the role decreed for the Supreme Defense Council , through his insistence on issuing decisions that constitute a precedent that it is not permissible not to stop before him. ?
The political source asked: Why did Aoun allow himself to entrust the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to complete the dossier of drafting a bill for the Beirut Port Company to present to the Council of Ministers as soon as it is ready, although knows well that it is the competence of the Council of Ministers as a whole, and therefore the Supreme Defense Council has nothing to do with that, with that the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers, Judge Mahmoud Makiya, is not a member of the same?
He also asked how Aoun empowered himself to ask Finance Minister Ghazi Wazni to facilitate the preparation of a project to secure an amount of 150 billion pounds that will go to help those affected by the port explosion to repair their homes, although he is well aware that he cannot elude the Council of Ministers and also Parliament, to obtain their approval of Any financial expenses outside the budget?
The same source promised that Aoun is preparing to summon the Council of Ministers to convene, although Diab, although he does not express public enthusiasm for his convocation, surprised the political center with what he said in his televised interview, that he had never seen the Lebanese during the period that he spent at the head of the government before being forced. Give up.
He emphasized that Aoun’s call to expand the scope of doing business came in response to his team of advisers, and was not an error or a metaphor for a step that was not studied, but rather in his desire to feel the pulse of the forces that oppose him, perhaps pressing for a reorganization of the cards in terms of shaming the Christian forces that oppose him on the pretext They stand as an impregnable prey against the recovery of powers of the President of the Republic.
He said that Aoun went too far in confiscating the powers of the Council of Ministers, believing that he could pressure Hariri to return him to the “house of obedience” thereby granting his conditions for the release of the government formation that has taken place. to know, and related to raising the number of cabinet members from 18 to 20, and their commitment to the unity of standards. And his consultations with the parliamentary blocs, of which he only wants to polish the image of his brother-in-law, the head of the Free Patriotic Movement, Deputy Gebran Bassil, after the US sanctions that targeted him, in an entry to float him politically, and present him as the difficult number to determine the fate of the government.
The political source believed that Aoun would press for the government to float in case Hariri did not comply with his conditions, believing that the Lebanese will have to adapt over time and coexist with him as a de facto situation, and said he would not enter. in a direct conflict with Hariri, in which he would begin by removing his mandate, because the constitution does not allow it.
Consequently, the former prime minister deals with Aoun as if he had not changed with his arrival to the first presidency, but insists on acting as he did during his tenure as prime minister of the military government.


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