Accompanied by the United States Secretary of the Treasury … an Israeli delegation arrives in Bahrain


An Israeli delegation accompanied by the United States Secretary of the Treasury arrived in Bahrain on Sunday, on the first direct flight from Tel Aviv to Manama, to activate the declaration in support of peace between Israel and Bahrain.

The delegation is accompanied on its trip on a plane belonging to Israel’s El Al Airlines, US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, whose office said the mission aims for “expanded economic cooperation” between Israel, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. United.

Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Abdul Latif Al-Zayani said: “The visit comes to start activating the declaration of support for peace between Israel and Bahrain.”

Al-Zayani stressed that “the declaration of peace represents an important historic step that reflects the interest of the King of Bahrain in achieving security, peace and prosperity in the region.”

For his part, the United States Secretary of the Treasury stated that “there are great opportunities for cooperation between the United States, Israel and Bahrain in several areas, among which the economy and investment stand out.”

“We hope to see several business trips between Israel and Bahrain in the future. The opportunities for us are excellent for the cooperation of the three countries in the fields of economy, investment, culture and security,” he said.

He continued: “From here, I would like to thank President Donald Trump, the monarch of Bahrain, as well as the Israeli prime minister for their great leadership and progress on the peace accords. I also look forward to the consultations and discussions that will take place in the following days”.

Israeli national security adviser Meir Bin Shabat said: “The region is witnessing a new chapter of peace, describing the agreement with Bahrain as historic.”

He added: “This day is a great day, a day when a new chapter of peace is being written. History is written before our eyes. Three days ago, the Israeli Knesset approved the important peace agreement with the Emirates, and we are here in Manama to broaden the circle of peace and add new countries to the peace process. ” .

Israel and Bahrain signed the “Declaration of Peace, Cooperation and Diplomatic and Friendly Relations” in a private ceremony at the White House on September 15, but this document fell short of the limit of a formal treaty.
