Abu Faour points to Aoun and his “current”: we are heading towards a dead end


The member of the Democratic Rally Bloc, MP Wael Abu Faour, confirmed that “the Progressive Socialist Party, from the beginning of the arrival of Michel Aoun to the presidency, was at the site of the opposition, not only at the site of the opposition, but also the target site, and everyone remembers it, and we mention the provocative tours of Gebran Bassil “, which culminated in the unfortunate murder that ended in the Al-Shahar region, as well as the electoral law, whose main The objective was to exclude Walid Jumblatt and reduce the size of his representation, as well as the formation of governments and administrative and security appointments and the accompanying attempts to attack the representation of Walid Jumblatt, and of course we do not forget the government The latter , which is hostile to us, is actually the creation and instrument of this pact. “

Abu Faour said during a meeting organized by the Office of the Information Commission and the Office of the Culture Commission in the Chouf Interior Agency in the Progressive Socialist Party via “zoom” technology:
“For four and a half years we have been in the middle of a battle with the pact and its tools, and the rest of the political parties are now feeling the cruelty and ferocity of this battle, and are measuring what we have endured. Since the beginning of this era. The party leader, Walid Jumblatt, faced only this political path and made an effort with all influential internal and external parties, Michel Aoun’s access to the presidency was prevented, and he was the first to warn that his arrival to the presidency with its destructive slogans it would lead to collapse, and here we have already come to collapse, and it may lead the country into a war of unrest due to the magnitude of the internally convulsive rhetoric in Lebanon. And the size of the hostile relations that he led between the Lebanese components, and that caused a serious sectarian crisis, not in vain, except that Michel Aoun, according to my belief and my classification, belongs to the past and to a previous thought of reconciliation and disobeys it , and he wants to build his glory on sectarian extremism. “

He continued: “We must remember how many attempts made by the leader of the party, Walid Jumblatt, to preserve the relationship with the Alliance and the Free Patriotic Movement, under the title of reconciliation, based on his desire for reconciliation in the mountains, while not providing an opportunity but they use it to restore Remembering the civil war and spreading poisons through their abominable sectarian speeches, which stem from the historical hatred towards Walid Jumblatt and what he represents, but the most difficult phase is over, and only one year and half of this era remains, and Michel Aoun no longer refers to his legacy, or what he can write about him in history, most of what he wants to say is what he will leave his current after him, and what objection does he exercise with regard to the The question of the formation of the government, according to him, is nothing more than a guarantee for Wazen’s position in the future.

And he added: “Michel Aoun knows very well that he suffered a great defeat at the level of public opinion, and that he lost many of his bases of political support, as a result of holding him responsible for what the country has achieved in four years.” . Therefore, today he accepts this political and sectarian battle because he believes that, on the other hand, it will return his popularity to him. “The Christian level, and that is why they tried to reverse the meanings of Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s positive words on parity because they want to devise an Islamic-Christian struggle over the powers to come back and launch their popularity claiming that they are defending the interests of Christians and therefore wanting to provoke a political clash with Prime Minister Hariri in his Islamic capacity, and start a political clash with Walid Jumblatt in his historical capacity, in order to build political fanaticism for his current. Here we warn not to let anyone drag us into an arena of sectarian conflict that we do not want, since our party is basically a diverse party, and it has never faced any confrontation except with a national background.

And he warned against “resorting to sectarian slogans in reactions, speeches and positions on social networks, specifically in a sensitive area such as the Chouf region and the mountainous region in general”, and said: “First, because this matter does not resemble us” . in our formation and in our convictions, secondly because we are waging a national battle, “not sectarian, and thirdly because we believe in mountain reconciliation, not only because it expresses the tranquility of relationships in the mountain, but also because it allowed the battle of sovereignty and independence to be fought in 2005, which, that is, reconciliation, is a matter of no return or reversal in the thought and mind of Walid Jumblatt and the Socialist Progressive Party.

He added: “We want activists on social media to respond to the hostile, inflammatory, sectarian, and hateful rhetoric expressed by some supporters of the Free Patriotic Movement, with patriotic logic, as our history is full of honorable achievements and national tests., and we are not allowed to be dragged where they want. “

He stopped on the issue of the government, referring to “the intransigence of the president towards his formation and his rejection of all the proposals of the designated president.” For the presidency, Aoun wants to float his son-in-law, Gebran Bassil, by finding a balanced position for him at the table, and giving him the ability to control the future in the political game, and in the matter of the presidency and the government, and We do not forget, of course, the issue of sanctions against Gebran Bassil. , so Aoun wants to negotiate with the French and Americans on the government file. You can convince them to cancel the sanctions imposed on your son-in-law. “

He stressed that “there is no opposition front formed by the Socialist, Future and Lebanese Forces, and there is no rescue project at present, because if the government is formed, difficult and unacceptable decisions will be made.” , you will not be able to bail out due to lack of funding. The Arab countries will not come to help. “Lebanon before it notices a change in the official Lebanese stance towards the problems that prevail in the region.”

Abu Faour expressed his “intense satisfaction with the relationship of the Progressive Socialist Party with its audience” and said: “Our relationship is improving enormously with our audience and our environment, and day by day the public realizes more and more that Walid Jumblatt there is the guarantee, and he realizes that the Socialist Party is the only one obsessed with this society, and he is the only one “that is capable of assuming its responsibility and being by its side.”

He added: “We may be on the brink of by-elections next June, and we are interested in them in the Chouf and Aley districts, so we must be prepared for the matter.”

At the end of the meeting, the opportunity was opened for interventions and questions from the participants, who addressed various political, social and life issues.
