About 1,300 infections in Ein El-Hilweh: virus is speeding up camp readiness


After each call to prayer, the sound of supplication echoes from the mosques of Ain al-Hilweh, invoking God to free his servants from the coronavirus and heal those affected by it. In the countryside, as in Sidon, many believe that only God can reduce the number of victims. Therefore, they do not give importance to adherence to prevention. The growing outbreak of the virus in Ain al-Hilweh and other camps has shown that plea alone is not enough. Last Sunday night, UNRWA had recorded, since the beginning of the Crown crisis on February 21, the injuries of 1,282 Palestinian refugees, of whom 478 were still in the recovery phase. In the category of deaths, the agency’s report issued last Monday morning listed 31 victims, which rose to 32 after the death of a 40-year-old woman in Ain El-Helweh, affected by complications from the virus after suffering from diabetes.

The “UN” figures were questioned by civilian sources in Ain al-Hilweh, as they confirmed the existence of at least 3,000 cases in the camp, most of which were quarantined at home without the need for hospital treatment. However, the media official of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society in Lebanon, Imad al-Hallaq, confirmed to “Al-Akhbar” that the UNRWA data is accurate and based on data from the Ministry. of Lebanese Health, noting that those who carry out the tests and whose results are positive “report this from the Ministry of Health and not from UNRWA.” He warned that the numbers could rise soon, “due to negligence in prevention and the difficulty in controlling people’s activities,” stating that the camps had passed from the containment stage to the proliferation stage. What is the level of preparation of the camps in case the cases increase further?
In Ein El-Hilweh, a floor was prepared to care for the wounded at the Hamshari Red Crescent Hospital. Should the numbers increase, an additional floor will be allocated. And because it is the largest hospital in the camps, Al-Hamshari, which is located on the edge of the camp in the Miyyah and Miyeh city area, will absorb “the wounded from the Tire, Sidon and Beirut camps. “according to al-Hallaq. On the other hand, UNRWA has equipped as quarantine centers the Al-Samou ‘school in Ein El-Hilweh and the Siblin school (as a stone center and a 100-bed treatment center) in Al-Kharroub district and the Al-Bass center at the Al-Bass camp in Tire. As part of an agreement between the Red Crescent and the Lebanese-Palestinian Dialogue Committee sponsored by the Palestinian Embassy, ​​Safad Hospital will be equipped in Beddawi camp to become a central treatment center for Palestinians in the north and provide you with PCR tests.

The Hamshari Hospital in Ain El Hilweh will host the wounded from the Tire, Sidon and Beirut ranges.

In the Bekaa Valley, Palestinians depend on the MSF hospital in Bar Elias and the government hospitals. Note that UNRWA pays for the costs of treating the injured at the Beirut Government Hospital and other government hospitals, and the fees for examinations for people with symptoms and contact persons.
On the other hand, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, in cooperation with the municipality of Saida, yesterday evacuated the Ouzai compound, which the agency has rented for ten years to house 1,200 displaced Syrians. The eviction, which occurred in execution of a court ruling in the interests of the owners of the building belonging to Imam Ouzai College in Beirut, and was accelerated by the preparations that are being carried out in the city to face the intensification of the crisis of Corona in the busy complex next to the Turkish hospital. The municipality and UNHCR have redoubled their efforts to monitor the possibility of the virus spreading among displaced people living in unsanitary conditions.

Injuries keep increasing … and the bet is after the closing
It is true that new coronavirus infections continue to fly daily with the announcement yesterday by the Ministry of Public Health that 1,367 cases have been registered (1,362 residents and five expatriates), but this increase is currently mainly related to an increase in percentage of laboratory tests dedicated to virus detection. This is due to the intensification of the surveys carried out by the teams of the Ministry of Health in the regions that witnessed a significant increase in injuries in recent days in relation to their population, which was closed until next Monday with the aim of “controlling ”The deteriorating epidemiological reality.
And after the daily average of laboratory tests did not exceed 10,000, it was found that in the last 24 hours 14,262 laboratory tests were performed, while the percentage of positive tests reached 9.9%, which it is a worrying indicator that warrants caution.
At this time, it seems that the commitment to close the towns that were announced to close last Sunday seemed to be more serious this time with the awareness of the municipalities and local authorities, and with them neighbors in their area, the importance of cooperation and the need for commitment to the appearance of worrying indicators such as the increase in deaths, which totaled 439 people. With six new deaths registered yesterday, and with the increase in the number of hospitalized wounded to 640 people (171 in intensive care). Consequently, the final evaluation of the percentage of commitment is subject to next week, “as the figures are expected to decrease,” according to sources from the Ministry of Health.
Regarding the prisons, which are among the sources of concern to escape the virus, the General Directorate of Internal Security Forces announced the registration of 396 positive cases in the Roumieh prison after carrying out 1235 examinations, indicating that 116 cases had been cured and indicating that all the wounded were in stable condition.

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