Abd al-Lahyan: Assassination of Nuclear Scientist Indicates Efforts by Israel and the United States to Deal a Blow to Scientific Progress in Iran


Abd al-Lahyan: Assassination of Nuclear Scientist Indicates Efforts by Israel and the United States to Deal a Blow to Scientific Progress in Iran


Special Assistant to the President of the Iranian Shura Council, Hussein Amir Abd al-Lahyan

The special assistant to the president of the Iranian Shura Council, Hussein Amir Abd al-Lahyan, confirmed that the assassination of nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhri Zadeh indicates “the efforts of Israel and Washington to deal a blow to scientific progress in Iran.”

The Iranian Defense Ministry confirmed the murder of the head of the ministry’s Research and Technology Center, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, in an assassination operation, which it called a “terrorist”.

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The first images of the murder site of the Iranian nuclear scientist in Tehran

In a statement, the Defense Ministry stated that “armed terrorist elements attacked a car carrying Mohsen Fakhri Zadeh, head of the Defense Ministry’s Research and Technology Center, on Friday afternoon.”

He noted that “during the confrontation between his security team and the terrorists, Mr. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was seriously injured and taken to hospital, and unfortunately the medical team was unable to resuscitate him.”

The Fars agency said Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was shot dead in the capital, Tehran.

He explained that his murder was through an explosion that hit his car and then bullets were fired, adding that the nuclear scientist’s escorts collided with the assassination team and the operation caused the death of at least two people.

In a speech in which he announced in 2018, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the seizure of a wide range of documents related to Tehran’s efforts to develop a nuclear arsenal by Israeli intelligence, describing Fakhrizadeh as a leader. of Tehran’s military nuclear program.

Netanyahu said at the time: “Remember this name: Fakhrizadeh.”

Source: Agencies
