A written US pledge that guarantees Israel’s military supremacy in the region |


And the Israeli media reported that the US commitment will continue for four years, that is, until the end of President Donald Trump’s second term if he is reelected on November 3.

“We are now entering an era of normalization in the Middle East that can help confront Iranian aggression in the region,” Gantz told the Israeli daily Yediot Aharonot.

According to the newspaper, Gantz’s visit to the United States was primarily focused on strengthening Israel’s attempt to buy advanced American aircraft, such as F-15 and F-35 fighter jets, and transport helicopters.

Since the 1960s, the United States has ensured the preservation of Israel’s “qualitative military superiority” in the Middle East, and this policy was reinforced two years ago by a law stipulating that the US administration, when selling any weapon to another country in the region, ensure that Israel maintains the ability to defend itself if this weapon falls. In the wrong hands.

Israel refuses to sell these fighters to the Gulf and Middle Eastern countries, including Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Jordan.


Israel has voiced its objection to Qatar obtaining advanced F-35 fighters from the United States after it submitted a formal request to purchase the aforementioned fighters.

Observers believe that Qatar’s request for these types of aircraft would threaten the stability of the region, especially in terms of enhancing the capabilities of the Qatari-Turkish-Iranian axis to fuel crises.

Congress must approve any sale, but observers dismiss its completion in light of accusations surrounding Doha of supporting terrorism and threatening the stability of the region.

The “Bloomberg” news agency quoted a US official as saying that the UAE had submitted a formal request to the US to conclude a US F-35 fighter deal after it signed an agreement to normalize relations with Israel, mediated by the United States, last September.

The United Arab Emirates, the strategic ally of the United States, has been negotiating for six years to buy advanced F-35 fighters to enhance its military capabilities, while the Gulf state is working to develop its military industries capabilities in line with the challenges in the region.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had refuted the news of his approval of the possible deal as one of the conditions proposed by Abu Dhabi to conclude a peace deal with Tel Aviv.

Hours before the landmark agreement was signed, US President Donald Trump announced that he “had no problem” selling these advanced fighters to the United Arab Emirates.

The UAE has the support of people close to the president of the United States, including his adviser, Jared Kushner, in light of reservations from some members of the White House and US lawmakers about the agreement out of commitment to preserve superiority. qualitative military of Israel in the field of armaments on the various countries of the region.

The “F-35” aircraft belongs to fifth-generation American fighters, and is highly sophisticated and armored, capable of maneuvering and attacking in all circumstances and climates, as well as having the property of being stealthy and escaping radar.

And two Democratic senators had proposed a law imposing restrictions on the export of F-35 fighters, because they feared that Trump, should his rival Joe Biden win the presidential election, the few months left in his reign to sell to the UAE. these fighters.

The bill stipulates that the president of the United States, whatever he is, cannot sell these technologically advanced aircraft to any foreign party unless he proves to Congress that “American aviation technology and Israel’s security are fully protected. “.
