A “worrying issue” is happening for the first time since the beginning of the epidemic in Lebanon!


Director General of Hariri University Hospital in Beirut, Dr. Firas Abyad, tweeted: “For the first time since the beginning of the epidemic, more than 30% of the corona exams that were performed yesterday in our laboratory at Rafic Hariri University Hospital yielded positive results. This is worrisome and heralds worst Corona numbers in weeks. Where and how do we prepare for the next crisis? “

He added: “Our only hope is in the healthcare workers. Over the past few months, they have shown themselves to be very responsible, doing their duty, diligence and self-denial. They are no less than heroes. They have given a lot, but now we will ask them to give. More … Without a doubt, they will not hesitate. “

“The brave health workers, like after the explosion, will be their lifesavers. I feel very respectful and grateful for the sacrifices they make. I also feel angry. They say that those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. This it also applies to learning from bad decisions. ” “.

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