A woman can assume the presidency of the Pentagon. Who are the candidates for key positions in the Biden administration?


The media have revealed the names of the most likely candidates for key positions in the administration of the Democratic candidate, winner of the US presidential election, Joe Biden.

Politico noted in a report released Saturday that Biden will face pressure on multiple fronts, explaining that some Democrats hope he will form the most diverse cabinet in U.S. history, while his party’s left arm calls for the most progressive government formation since the era of Franklin Roosevelt. Wall Street and Silicon Valley, which financed Biden’s campaign, have different interests in the distribution of ministerial portfolios, not to mention Republicans, for whom Biden will need the approval of a series of senators in the Senate for new appointments.

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1) Defense

According to the Politico report, the Defense Department portfolio in the future Biden administration is expected to return to Michael Flournoy, becoming the first woman to assume the presidency of the Pentagon.

Flournoy previously served as Under Secretary of Defense for Political Affairs during Barack Obama’s first term.

Politico noted that Flournoy participated last summer in the preparation of a draft resolution on activating the Pentagon’s efforts to bypass China in the field of new technology development.

In a recent interview, Flournoy expressed his belief in the need to broaden the spectrum of national security issues addressed by the Pentagon, given the experience of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Other possible candidates for Secretary of Defense are Senator Tammy Duckworth, a former military man who lost her footing when her helicopter was shot down in Iraq, and Senator Jack Reed, the top Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

2) External

Susan Rice, a national security adviser in the Obama administration, is the most likely candidate for the post of secretary of state in the Biden administration, despite differences that have arisen between them previously on how to deal with social unrest in Egypt and Libya.

At the same time, Politico indicated that strong Republican opposition that had its roots in the assassination of the US ambassador to Libya, Restopher Stevens, in Benghazi in 2012, could undermine Rice’s chances of taking office.

The site noted that other potential candidates to take over the State Department portfolio are William Burns, who previously held the post of undersecretary of state in the Obama administration, and the two senators from Delaware and Connecticut, Chris Coons and Chris Murphy.

3) Treasury

The appointment of the Secretary of the Treasury in the Biden administration is the most complex issue, especially since he intends to focus in the first month of his presidency on efforts to combat the Corona virus, and this issue is directly related to the economy.

Peletico believes that a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Lyle Bernard, will become the first candidates to take over the Treasury portfolio.

Other possible candidates for this position include progressive senator Elizabeth Warren, former Federal Reserve vice president Roger Ferguson and investor Melody Hobson.

4) Justice

Former Senator Dag Jones, who recently lost his Senate seat, is the first candidate for Attorney General in the new administration because he has confidence among the masses on civil rights issues and his personal friendship with Biden.

Jones is expected to face competition for the position of attorney general of the United States from the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Tom Perez (although his appointment may face strong opposition from Republicans), California attorney general Xavier Becera, as well like the notorious Sally Yates. After outgoing President Donald Trump removed her from the post of deputy attorney general in the early days of his administration for refusing to uphold his executive order prohibiting citizens of various Islamic countries from entering the United States.

5) National Security

The National Security portfolio in the Biden administration is expected to return to Alejandro Mayoras, who previously served as vice president of that department during the Obama administration, although his appointment may justify strong opposition from Republicans.

Mayoras had previously been accused of exceeding his powers, according to the 2015 Inspector General’s report, which may constitute an additional obstacle to his appointment.

California Attorney General Xavier Becera is also a potential candidate for the position.

Source: Politico
