A Warning From Another Pandemic … Global Health: We Face Unprecedented Danger!


Experts have warned that there is nothing to prevent the emergence and spread of a new epidemic, most likely from China, as the world has not taken measures to ensure that the same Covid-19 scenario does not occur again, while the Organization World Health Organization believes that the world “still faces unprecedented danger.” “One year after the greatest crisis of our time.

The new Corona virus has killed more than two million people since the disease first appeared in China in late 2019. The disease is believed to have originated in an unspecified type of bat.

While the epidemic has infected more than 95.13 million worldwide, and HIV infections have been reported in more than 210 countries and regions since the first cases were discovered in China in December 2019. The United States is the country most affected by the epidemic, followed by Brazil, India, Mexico and the United Kingdom (89,261). .

In China, the origin of the pandemic that introduced the world in a terrifying movie, the total of confirmed cases of Covid-19 disease in mainland China reached 89,454 cases, while the total of deaths was unchanged at 4,635.

Against this backdrop, American National Interest senior analyst Harry Kazianis warned of the emergence of another Corona virus-like epidemic in China.

In an interview with Fox News, Kazianis noted that the next epidemic could spread “at any moment”, as long as no security mechanisms or a specific strategy are taken to ensure that what happened at the end of 2019 is not repeated in China.

Kazianis’s statement coincides with statements by independent health inspectors who said that “Beijing and the World Health Organization could have moved faster at the start of the new Corona epidemic in late 2019.”

In its second report, which is supposed to be presented Tuesday during a meeting of the World Health Organization, the expert committee notes that “Going back to the initial sequence of the first phase of the epidemic, we concluded that it was possible to move faster based on the first indicators “.

After a year of the masses becoming familiar with the new Corona virus, which has killed more than two million people, has turned into dozens of different strains, has caused the global economy to shut down, has put pressure on the healthcare resources and has caused unknown long-term repercussions for millions, a logical question arises:

What guarantees that a new epidemic from China cannot spread at any time? What is the Chinese leadership doing to prevent the emergence of a new disease?

For his part, the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, warned this Monday that the epidemic showed that human, animal and planet health are intertwined.

He said that “more than 70% of emerging diseases discovered in recent years are related to animal-to-human transmission.”

He continued: “One year after the greatest crisis of our time, there is no doubt that we still face unprecedented danger.”

Ghebreyesus warned that the world will face “catastrophic moral failure” if rich countries monopolize vaccines against the emerging corona virus at the expense of poor countries.

According to statistics, more than 40 million doses of vaccines against the emerging corona virus have been administered in at least 60 countries or regions around the world.

In terms of quantity, the United States leads the way, with 12.28 million doses administered to 10.60 million people (3.2% of the population), ahead of China (more than 10 million doses).

In Europe, the UK administered 4.31 million doses to 3.86 million people (5.7% of the population).

Ghebreyesus said the recent emergence of rapidly spreading variants of SARS-Cove-2 makes prompt and fair introduction of vaccines even more important.

“Vaccines are an injection in the arm that we all need, literally and figuratively,” he added.
Tedros insisted that “there will be enough vaccine for everyone.”
