A vaccine eludes Corona … America’s most famous expert | Phalanges


Anthony Fauci, director of the American Institute of Infectious Diseases, welcomed the announcement by the American company Moderna that its experimental vaccine against Covid-19 is almost 95% effective in fighting the virus.

It seems that next year may signal a breakthrough in the fight against the Corona virus, which has so far infected more than 54 million people around the world.

After all Modern and before, Pfizer, announced the success of a vaccine in which they are working against the emerging virus at a very high rate, millions were looking forward to the next few days.

In this context, the director of the American Institute of Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, welcomed the announcement of the Modern American company that its experimental vaccine against Covid-19 is close to 95% effective in the fight against the virus.

Truly amazing
A member of the Presidential Coronavirus Cell and a highly respected figure in the United States in terms of the response to the pandemic, told Agence France-Presse on Tuesday: “The idea that we have a vaccine that is 94.5% effective it’s amazingly wonderful. “

“This is a really amazing result,” he added. “I don’t think anyone expected it to be that good.”

Notably, the American Institute of Infectious Diseases led by Fauchi has been focused on developing a vaccine for Covid-19 since January, when Chinese authorities released the genetic sequence of the emerging virus.

Genetic instructions to cells
The Moderna vaccine is based on modern technology based on the insertion of genetic instructions into human cells to stimulate them to produce a protein identical to the protein of the Covid-19 virus and elicit an immune response against this protein.

According to Fauci, “many people had reservations” about this technology that “had not yet been tested and proven effective”.

It should be noted that the alliance of the American companies Pfizer and the German company Bayontek announced last week that its experimental vaccine against Covid-19, which is based on the same technology, has been shown to be 90% effective in preventing infection by the deadly virus.

These two results confirm, in Fauci’s opinion, the safety of this technology because “the data speaks for itself.”

He added: “I think when you have two vaccines like these two, which have proven more than 90% effective,” the technology no longer has to “provide more evidence.”

However, the respected doctor warned that “there is still a long way to go”, referring in particular to the logistical difficulties encountered in the transfer of vaccine doses, and expressing his deep concern about the anti-vaccination culture that prevails among a wide segment of Americans. “There is widespread sentiment against vaccines in this country,” he said. We must be able to overcome it and convince people to get vaccinated, as no highly effective vaccine is useless if no one is vaccinated with it. “
