A time bomb in America …!


Millions of unemployed Americans face the risk of being evicted from their homes, after accumulating thousands of dollars in outstanding rents, in light of the economic repercussions of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Periods of “eviction stops” due to the pandemic are expected to end later this month, coinciding with the suspension of some unemployment benefits, and a surprising number of families fear eviction as the holidays approach, with few Hopes for help, according to a “Business Insider” report.

Moody’s Analytics found that nearly 12 million tenants owe an average of $ 5,850 in unpaid rent due in January, according to the Washington Post.

Moody’s chief economist Mark Zande estimated that renters across the country could owe a total of $ 70 billion in back rent by the new year, leaving homeowners struggling to pay mortgages, taxes on the property and more.

Evictions are looming, and the outlook is bleak: A survey by the US Census Bureau last month found that nearly 5.8 million Americans strongly anticipate being evicted from their homes in the coming months due to their inability to pay. the back rent.

In another stark estimate, investment and advisory bank Stott said that as many as 8.4 million renter households – a total of 20.1 million people – could witness eviction decisions in January. The Aspen Institute puts the number of people at risk of eviction between 30 and 40 million.
